Monday 25 February 2019

Charlestown Harbour On A Sunshine Morning

Charlestown harbour, Cornwall - Poldark country

A Sunday walk yesterday included Charlestown, Cornwall, as per the photos. A pleasant sunny day for February, though a little hazy first thing. Photo above is looking across to the Pier House (restaurant, bar and accommodation).

Charlestown harbour,Cornwall

And now, in the photo above, looking eastwards. The building with the pointed top, to the right of the picture, is often shown in the Poldark television series.

A few of the tall ships, often in dock at Charlestown, can be seen below.

Tall sailing ships at Charlestown, Cornwall

The old harbour wall has steps leading down to the water, which had a greenish tint.

Two more photos. First the Coast Path sign and finally the small bridge across the harbour. This photo was taken prior to the others. As can be seen, there was still a haze prior to the sun breaking through. 

Charlestown, Cornwall signpost

Charlestown, Cornwall bridge across the harbour
More posts & info on Charlestown:
Walking the Beach at Charlestown, Cornwall
Charlestown Built To Export Copper Ore
The Cave On Charlestown Beach, Cornwall

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