Sunday 22 March 2020

Walking the Beach and Lake at Par Sands, Cornwall

Par Beach, Cornwall

The Coronavirus seems to be controlling our lives at the moment, so we thought we would visit various different beaches to get some healthy sea air in our lungs. There's plenty of room so we won't invade anyone else's space.

A sandy cove at Par Beach, Cornwall

The photos today are from a walk along Par beach. The tide was out so there was an expanse of damp sand.

Unexpectedly there was a gathering of mothers, or perhaps a nursery group (above) with some children tucked away in a cove.
There aren't many shells on the beach at Par, but I always seem compelled to examine any I do see.

A sea shell found on Par Sands, Cornwall

We walked the full length of the beach and looking back noticed several people also walking - but mostly with their dogs.

Par Beach - Sands, Cornwall

We continued past the china clay works ...

China Clay Works by Par Sands, Cornwall

… and onto the Par Sands Caravan Park. There was no one else about. Years ago we owned a couple of caravans here that we rented out to holiday makers - was a fun time.

Holiday Caravans at Par Sands, Cornwall

The caravan park is now much altered and improved ...

Palm Tree and Centre Piece at Par Sands, Cornwall

… but there is still a china clay private road to cross if walking to Par itself.

Signs at Par Sands, Cornwall

After walking through the caravan park we reached the small lake.

Lake at Par Beach, Cornwall

Quite a few swans and ducks in residence and also noisy geese aided by seagulls. They all get very excited if someone wants to feed them.

Swan at Par Beach, Cornwall

It's quite a pleasant lake and in the summer months is a magnet for children, though paddling or swimming aren't allowed.

Lake at Par Sands, Cornwall

A couple more photos of the lake, watch out for the deep water!

Lake at Par Beach, Cornwall

Lake at Par Sands, Cornwall

I noticed a couple feeding the ducks almost hidden away under a tree. Not completely sure why I didn't post this photo in colour but, somehow, it seemed an old fashioned moment. I can remember in my childhood feeding the ducks with my parents, such excitement. It would be so nice to be able to do that once more but life, sometimes sadly, moves on.

Feeding ducks at Par Sands


  1. So glad you could be out and about and you found a delightful treasure! I like the grasses in the shore. It is dreary staying inside so much. I do like the monochrome you selected for this shot. We used to save the heel of the bread loaf to take to a pond and feed the ducks. That was indeed a special time. We’ve been taking drives in the country and walking the dog on trails when no one else is there. Still, it feels confining these days. Take care and keep sharing your outings as long as possible!

    1. Hello Ann, we have just got back from another beach walk and only saw one other person.
      The 'social distancing' though was awkward yesterday (Sunday) as it was Mothering Sunday in the UK. Karin received some beautiful flowers and a couple of presents - but she really missed being able to give a hug in return. She felt quite emotional.
      Glad to hear you can get out on walks with your dog.
      Take care, stay healthy.

  2. Lovely walk and very few people around. Someone we know decided to go for a walk along the promenade at Cleethorpes yesterday, only to find crowds of people there. More folk than on a summer bank holiday! "Social distancing"? No chance, people are just not taking this seriously.
    Apart from a hospital visit for me earlier in the week we haven't left the house for a week now.

  3. On the Local News on TV we saw the same sort of thing at a popular Cornish beauty spot. The cars were jammed along the roadside - social distancing was completely ignored.
    As I have said we do get out each morning to quiet beaches for a walk. Saw just one other person today. We never feel right without a walk but, if the worst comes to the worst, we will, of course, stay indoors.
    Best wishes.

    1. I'm sure you're observing the correct procedures Mike, my previous comments in no way referred to yourselves. I hope you didn't think that. Keep up the walks while you can, we're exercising by walking up & down our garden (it's not huge though) and I've started my Spring gardening a little early. At least we get some fresh, outdoor air, just now tho' it's VERY FRESH! Keep the blog going and stay safe. 😊

    2. Don't worry, David, I didn't take your comment the wrong way. We will walk as long as possible but otherwise we'll restrict ourselves to our garden, as you are doing. It seems like it's going to be a long haul before we can all get back to normal. Best wishes.




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