Thursday 9 April 2020

Walking and Kitesurfing in Cornwall

The kitesurfing photos, above and the five near the bottom of the post were snapped prior to the coronavirus lockdown.

The next few photos are a 'legal' walk from home. The first part was under the train viaduct I mentioned in my previous post. The train from London to Penzance zoomed overhead while we were there.

The next photo shows some of the brickwork.

A viaduct was first built here in 1858 but had to be replaced in 1899. It's quite a construction as it has ten piers and is 115 feet (35m) high and 720 feet (220m) long.

Below you might be able to make out the original stump of the first viaduct as well as the present version. The newer viaduct has much neater brickwork.

Continuing the walk, some nice old granite pieces in a garden.

An old gate that appears to lead nowhere.

Now back to the kitesurfing. It was a dull, blustery old day.

However, the kitesurfers were having fun.

The kitesurfing pics were taken at Pentewan Beach, Cornwall.

When we returned home from our walk I noticed that one of the geraniums in our porch has started to flower. A sign, perhaps, of better things to come!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Stay healthy.


  1. Isn’t it grand that the flowers are starting to bloom! Glad you can still be safely out and about. We took a long drive in the country today and had an in-car picnic. With all of the vibrant beauty of spring in the air, it is surreal to think of all the deaths and sadness in our world right now due to the pandemic. It is good to be cautious and equally good to be hopeful! Take care!

  2. Hello Ann. The day you wrote your comment would have been my father's birthday. I guess, because of the coronavirus, I felt a great sadness and it made me think about life in general. These are such difficult times.

    We aren't allowed to take car rides or visit beauty spots. This being the Easter weekend there are usually streams of tourists flooding to Cornwall - but the roads are virtually empty. The police have powers to fine anyone attempting to travel anywhere, unless it is considered 'essential.'

    Today the sun is shining and there is a wonderful blue sky. The spring flowers are looking lovely. I don't think I have ever seen so many primroses in the hedgerows - they certainly lift the spirits.

    All good wishes, take care.

  3. I too have thought often about my parents, with my mother's birthday on the day that precautions were first advised, and my father’s coming up this month. Everything seems so very fragile these days and I feel certain that in many ways our lives will never be the same, even long after this circumstance has passed. I hope that at least in some way it helps one to see the good in others and perhaps make for a bit more peaceful world. I will continue to look forward to your walks and to know you are staying well.

  4. I think you are so right about our lives never being the same again. Hopefully this will eventually be for the good. Thank you Ann.




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