Monday 27 July 2020

An Abundance of Wild Flowers at The Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

Today I follow on from my previous post, which was about a visit to The Lost Gardens of Heligan. Today we are looking at Heligan's West Lawn and Valentines meadows. As can be seen they are ablaze with a beautiful display of wild flowers.

The flowers seem to go on forever. In the distance - as can be seen in the photo above - the blue of the sea at Mevagissey contrasts with the yellow of the flowers.

The dominating flowers are corn marigolds, but there are other flowers as well.

I did manage to also find a few blue cornflowers, white corn chamomiles and a some lingering poppies 

As well as being attractive to look at wild flowers provide nourishment for bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies, moths and a whole host of important pollinators.


  1. So lovely to see all the wild flowers and the Cornflower stands out.

    1. Thanks David, was a lovely sight with rough paths so that the flowers wouldn't get trodden down.

  2. What a fabulous wild flower meadow, Mike. I so hope there will be one like this when we eventually get to visit Heligan again! Just imagine how many pollinators there must be! And, as you say, the bright yellow against the blue sea. Bright colours like these are some of the things I have missed during lockdown.

    1. It was an unexpected treat on our Heligan visit. The meadow was quite stunning and hopefully this should follow year after year.
      Good wishes.
