Friday 5 November 2021

A Mixture of of Photos Snapped in Cornwall

 A mixture of photos today, but all taken when I have been out and about in Cornwall. Above is the  Towanroath Shaft Pumping Engine House. It's hard to imagine that this area would have once been a hive of activity with tin and other minerals being exported all around the world.

Next a glance inside of the Huers Hut in Newquay. It was used in the past as a look out when shoals of pilchards were expected. The hue and cry would be heard when the fish were seen.

We are now by the White River near St. Austell.

It's definitely a hotchpotch of photos. The next photo is of the old lock on the church door at Tywardreath. The village is known as a setting for Daphne du Maurier's book, The House on the Strand.

Just along from the church, in a field, were these happy faces making hay.

Charlestown now, but probably a view you haven't seen previously

 A couple of cloud photos, how quickly the weather can change.

The new(ish) part of St. Austell all lit up, at least for a while.

The Eden Project lights last Christmas.

And below plants in Eden's biome ...

... plus a West African shop. You never know what you might spot at the Eden Project.

Moving on, a few houses before the rain came down.

 An aeroplane ready for take off at Truro's Victoria Gardens.

At Charlestown again now, with a father and young son fishing. Good to see.

Red berries: it's often said that if there are lots of red berries, especially on holly, it's going to be a cold winter.

Flying high, a black and white photo, clicked on an evening walk.

Looks like St. Austell town is trying to get locals to shop locally - perhaps free parking would help.

We must have had a 100 plus of these fellows on our back garden grass - also a reminder that our grass needs cutting!

Not too sure what this is but looks very tactile and could well tell many stories - imagine how many people must have touched this over the years.

Oh yes, and this dog was sleeping when he should have been on guard duty.

Finally today, all is quiet at Charlestown.

Thanks for visiting my blog, all good wishes ~ Mike.

Friday 29 October 2021

On Tour: The Wonderful Red Cliffs of Devon

Occasionally we sneak over the River Tamar and out of Cornwall. On this particular trip we popped into the neighbouring county of Devon. I wanted to visit the red cliffs, sand and soil.

This is the beach where we started our short walk  along the coastal path, near Exmouth.

My shadow and I thought we would walk towards Budleigh Salterton - my wife agreed. So quite a special moment!

Yes, the cliffs are definitely red in colour with the occasional green of the seaweed.

The red is from iron minerals which have weathered over millions of years to produce the colour.

There are also the remains of fossilised roots to be found. These are whiter in colour against the red rocks.

As I understand it these roots go back some 35 million years to the Triassic Period. Ancient plants grew here amongst a desert river. The roots of these plants burrowed down into the soft red sand of the desert, drawing  up any water they could find.

Minerals that were dissolved in the water grew in crystals around the roots, encasing them. As time passed the streams moved and the plants died but the nodules that encased their roots remained.

Fossil roots like these can be seen on other parts of the Jurassic Coast. This, however, is the only place where they can be seen easily.

The photo above shows the view when approaching Budleigh Salterton and below getting nearer still.

The beach at Budleigh Salterton is now in view, plus some beach huts.

A closer look at the beach huts ...

... and the pebbles that make up the beach.

Further along the pebble beach with two people fishing in the distance.

The following photo is looking back to where we had walked along the coastal path with the red cliffs.

Before we retraced our steps we wandered around the small, but interesting, town. Unfortunately I only snapped one photo. This is of the museum, previously a cottage built in 1812.

Now we are heading back to where we began our walk.

The gulls were peaceful on the beach.

To finish: another look at those wonderful cliffs.

... and home we go. Hope you have an interesting week ahead. Good wishes ~ Mike.

Five Other 'On Tour' Posts

Friday 22 October 2021

Newquay Harbour and Towan Island Cornwall

It was a bright, sunny day and we were in Newquay - by the harbour to be exact.

The story of the harbour goes back a long way. In 1439 a quay was built in the manor, then called, Towan Blystra. The quay though became referred to as the 'new quay' - and this is how the town of Newquay got it's name.

In the late 1700's it became an important harbour for the pilchard (sardines) industry.

In the late 1800's the harbour was developed as an alternative to Fowey and Charlestown. For a  period Newquay was used to export china clay.  

Nowadays the fishing boats mostly catch lobsters and crabs for the European market.

As can be seen below there are various fishing trips, Sea Safaris and cruises to be had from the harbour.

A couple of workers catching up with the local news.

To reach the town, from the harbour, can be a bit of a climb up lots of steps. The views are good though - so worth the effort.

From here the Headland Hotel can be seen on the hilltop, high above Fistral Beach - see my post Photos of Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall.

Looking out to the hazy sea, in the distance we spotted a Survey ship.

Two photos follow of Newquay art work on display at the side of the steps. The second pic shows the fishing nets and sardines.

The next photo is of Towan Beach and the house on Towan Island, just along from the harbour.

Before anything else though, we popped into Nile's Bakery - for pasties ... 

... and later found a perfect seat overlooking the sea. Somewhere to enjoy our pasties and the view. 

Our seat also gave us a good view of Towan Island - which is available for holiday breaks if you have deep pockets.  I see their prices start at £1,830 for a long weekend or mid week break - see their website.

And moving on to something completely different, when even the weather had changed.

This time we were walking in a dull, damp Gover Valley. All was quiet as the trees reached out, not a squirrel or any other creature could be seen or heard.

We remembered an old man we met while walking the valley. He told us how his dog never wanted to walk the section of the valley, as shown below. It seems someone had once died here. The atmosphere was certainly damp and chilly - not a place to hang about, so we walked on quickly. Not that I was the least bit scared of course!

A farm house gate was in view but what on earth was the white figure lingering nearby. Looks like Halloween is approaching.

The next day all was bright and cheerful, so a couple of more colourful photos, snapped when out and about, to complete the post.

Thanks for visiting my blog, have a happy week ahead. All good wishes ~ Mike.



  Charlestown today, the weather is somewhat changeable but there are quite a few visitors and boats about. The once fishermen...