Saturday 14 November 2020

On Tour: Visiting Wells Cathedral - 16 Photos.

On a previous 'On Tour' post to Cheddar Gorge I mentioned that traditionally true Cheddar Cheese had to be made within 30 miles of Wells Cathedral. So, to follow up on that, today we have photos of this magnificent cathedral.

Kindly note the photos were all taken prior to the coronavirus lockdown. 

The building of Wells Cathedral began way back around 1175. The first phase of the building took around eighty years and the wonderful (west) front was completed with over 300 medieval statues, most of which can still be seen today.

The scissor style arches are quite spectacular.

The arches were added in 1338-48 for internal strengthening and were put in place by a master mason, William Joy

As I understand it, the first organ at Wells Cathedral was in the early 1300s.

The present day organ was built by Henry Willis in 1857.

Now a few odds and bods. First we have the Cope Chest used to store the robes of the clergy. This dates back to 1120 and is made of local oak. It's still in use today.

Now we have the tomb of Thomas Bekynton: the Chancellor of England and Bishop of Bath & Wells from 1443 to 1464.

I'm not too sure who the following gentleman is but it gives another example of tombs within the cathedral.

Now the Wells Cathedral clock. This is something a bit special. It is said to be the second oldest clock mechanism in Britain, and probably the world, to have survived and still to be in use. It is believed that the works were made in 1390 and that the clock face is the oldest surviving original of it's kind anywhere.

When the clock strikes every quarter, jousting knights run round above the clock and the Quarter Jack bangs the quarter hours with his heels.

A couple of the ornate ceilings

One of the attractive windows. This is the East Window dates from the 14th century but has had some later restoration.

Finally looking up at the outside of the church from the grounds.

I enjoyed my visit to Wells Cathedral. It's not the largest by any means but it has a special quality. Some say it is one of the most beautiful.

See also 'on tour' post: Visiting Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury Tor and King Arthur


  1. What an architectural gem this is. The scissor arches are beautiful, as is everything else here. Great post, super photo's and your usual detailed information.

    1. Thanks David. I actually published the post by accident! Never mind as good a time as any.
      The cathedral is wonderful. We spent an age inside, last year - before the virus troubles started.
      Take care.

  2. This is a fabulous building...and my local cathedral is Durham so I know a good one when I see it! 😉

  3. Thanks Denise, yes, Durham is a bit special too - so your judgement appreciated!
    Good wishes.




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