Friday 30 April 2021

The Peaceful Holy Well and Chapel at Menacuddle Cornwall

Today it's Menacuddle with its Holy Well and small chapel. I have previously covered this in an older post - see The Secretive Menacuddle Holy Well and Chapel, Cornwall - but its appearance changes with the seasons.

It's now rhododendron time so lots of red and pink flowers. 

And a few yellow flowers as well.

I like wandering around the area, especially when there is no one else about, which mostly seems to be the case on the occasions I have visited. It seems to be off the tourist trail.

There is a small lake, though it has a green topping at the moment.

It's very pleasant to sit and just enjoy. A while back I brought one of my wife's German relations here and she was fascinated by the Holy Well. She filled a large bottle with the water to take back to Germany. She now looks twenty years younger - okay, I lied about the last bit!

As I have written previously the Holy spring water was once held in high regard for its curative powers. Sick children were regularly bathed here and the Victorians recommended the drinking of its salubrious fluid. It was also used to treat ulcers. 

Anyway, I wandered back through the gardens.

There's a picnic area, all on it's lonesome.

The small chapel below is where the holy well lives.

Here's a better photo of the small chapel I snapped a while back, from a different angle. As I mentioned earlier Menacuddle changes with the seasons.

Details of how to find Menacuddle can be seen on my Post : The Secretive Menacuddle Holy Well and Chapel, Cornwall

Thanks for visiting my blog, good wishes ~ Mike.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

A Short Walk and Finding New Houses to be Built at Charlestown, Cornwall

You'll see the details of the new homes at Charlestown, as mentioned in the heading, later in the post.

Firstly, a neighbour asked if we had ever walked the Public Footpath from near Sea Road, at Carlyon Bay, to Carlyon Beach. We hadn't so we thought  we'd take a look.

The start of the footpath is per the photo above, but I couldn't see how it could possibly lead to Carlyon Bay. It all looked quite pleasant so we walked the path to see where we ended up.

We passed some fields and a gate. The sky was blue so what not to like.

Some nice houses along the edge of the path.

We then saw the tall chimney, so it was obvious where we were heading -  Charlestown!

The path carried on alongside a few more houses ...

... with the hills in the background.

And then we saw the large placard giving details of 15 luxury houses to be built at Charlestown - the smaller houses starting at £495,000. 

You can see details of the houses and a video here

As regular readers will know the harbour wall at Charlestown is currently undergoing some repairs. 

There were quite a few people walking about in Charlestown, now that the coronavirus rules have been eased.

Mmmmm, a house in Charlestown does sound tempting!

That's about all for today, all good wishes.

Friday 23 April 2021

Shades of Colour While Walking In South Cornwall

Sometimes an April day will suddenly bring showers, rain to grow the flowers - and so it seems, as suddenly there is an abundance of colours.

We were wandering locally. Cornwall never lets you down. It's not just beaches, though some are quite special.

An early display of bluebells almost hidden in the hedgerow.

Not sure what the small flowers are but they brighten an old wall.

We looked down on the valley with the old chimney, from the china clay industry, still in position.

More ways to brighten an old Cornish wall.

An abundance of forget-me-nots

Then when in silence thou doest walk,
Nor being round with whom to talk;
When thou art on the mighty deep,
And do in quiet action sleep;
If we no more on earth do meet,
Forget me not.*

Back to reality, this little fellow joined us on our walk but soon got bored with our company.

Colour on the bushes.

A rhododendron in all its glory.

Ah, and just in case you need to know the time - a dandelion clock.

A colourful duo - a post box and a yellow hydrant sign - the numbers indicate the size of the water main (top number) and the bottom number indicates the distance to the actual hydrant.

Another shade of yellow.

Ah, and a lonely pansy.

Finally, as it's April some May flowers! 
Remember though: Ne'er cast a clout till May is out. Back in the 15th century clout meant a fragment of clothing.

* The poem, from 1841, by Ann Plato.

Thank you for visiting my blog ~ Mike.

Monday 19 April 2021

Padstow Harbour, Beach and Walking the Coastal Path

Here we are in Padstow. The harbour, photo above, is a little empty as there is maintenance work being done, getting ready for the tourist season. The harbour will then be filled with water and boats.

We decided on just a short walk along the coastal path - the yellow arrow on the post below shows the way.

Padstow sits on the west bank of the River Camel Estuary. When the tide is out there are huge stretches of sand, as can be seen by the photos.

On the opposite side of the inlet is the village of Rock.

Lots of May blossom alongside the path at this time of year.

A building remains from world war 2 - part of the defence of the inlet. 

We sat and had our lunch with no one in sight - perfect.

In places along the path farmer's fields can be seen - this one is ready for planting.

From here we decided to retrace our steps back to Padstow itself. You can of course carry on walking for miles.

The path cuts between fields of green with the fishing port of Padstow in the background.

When the tide is right there is a ferry which crosses the estuary to Rock - and return.

Moving the estuary sand, below. You may have read my post Padstow, the Mermaid and the Perilous Doom Bar telling of the problems in the past with drifting sand in the estuary.

How the harbour looked on my visit, a bit muddy.

A few boats seemed to be stranded in the harbour.

And finally back to an  almost empty car park and the Harbour Hotel. In the popular, busy times of the year the car park can get very full, as can Padstow itself.

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...