Friday 25 March 2022

Perranporth Beach Stretches For Miles and Miles

Perranporth Beach, Cornwall

Spring is here and hopefully summer will follow, all in good time. This is the beach at Perranporth - somewhere holiday makers head for when they want beaches and surf in Cornwall. 

People on Perranporth Beach, Cornwall

Looking at the photo above you might be thinking that there are a lot of people about - and the photo was taken out of the main season! But not to worry as there are three miles of beaches - enough for most people. Even in the main summer season there should be somewhere to plonk your stuff on the sand and enjoy the sea.

RNLI on Perranporth Beach

The beach has RNLI lifeguards on duty - though they only patrol the beach area between their flags. So if you wander too far they might not be able rescue you if you should get into difficulties.  Note the lifeguard cover is normally available from Easter until the end of October.

Surf school at Perranporth Beach, Cornwall

At Perranporth the Atlantic surf is good - lessons are usually available for all ages.

The surf and waves at Perranporth Beach

The beach carries on and on and the people get less and less - but remember, the RNLI lifeguards may not be easily available this far along the beach.

Plenty of space on the Beach at Perranporth, Cornwall

If you wander into the sand dunes there are good views of the beaches.

The dunes at Perranporth, Cornwall

The beaches seem to go on and on ...

Looking at Perranporth beach from the sand dunes

All very perfect on a blue sky day.

Amazing beach at Perranporth, Cornwall

The photos were taken on the same day but I can't guarantee that the weather will always be this good!

Sandy beach at Perranporth, Cornwall

Here's another post I published on Perranporth:

Friday 18 March 2022

Pipal Leaves and Traditional Cornish Cures

Today's post is a bit of a hotchpotch. For various reasons I hadn't been out and about with my camera - so no new pics for my blog post. So what to do? Then by chance I came across the leaves in the photo below, which I had squirreled away in my office for many years.

The leaves are pipal leaves, the posh name being ficus religiosa, also sometimes known as peepal or the sacred fig. They are usually found in the India subcontinent. It is said that Gautama Buddha attained enlightment when meditating underneath a pipal tree.

You may have read in a previous post about how I discovered that my grandfather was a Buddhist. For many years I have had this Buddha on our mantelpiece.

Another pipal leaf below, with some fancy stitching. The leaves are all about 20 years old. Back then I published worldwide penfriend magazines from home. Fancy that, people actually wrote letters! How the world has changed. At the time I often exchanged my magazines for other items from countries where they had difficulties sending money to England. This is how I received the leaves.

The following few photos, and the top pic, are simply photos of leaves I have snapped recently.

To complete todays post, here's a Cornish saying from the 1800's:

"Mortal are we and subject to diseases, we all must die even when and how God pleases! 

Into the world but one way we do come, a thousand ways from hence we are sent home."

Of course if we get diseases we need cures. Here are a few Cornish cures from days of old.

"A tooth from a dead man's mouth carried in the pocket is an infallible charm against toothache."

"The eighth Psalm read three times a day, three days running, cures the thrush."

"To keep away evil spirits from cattle, nail four horse-shoes in the form of a cross against the door."

"A church key applied to a wound stops bleeding."

"Bore a hole in a nutmeg and tie round your neck, and nibble nine mornings fasting, and boils will disappear in spring and autumn."

"Breathe over a newly made grave, and cure a cough."

"Take a spoonful of earth from a grave of a newly interred virgin, dissolve in water, and drink fasting, to cure 'decline."

"Toad's liver fried is good for rheumatism, so also are adders' tails; the adders must be killed whilst dew is on them."

"The sign of the cross drawn on wood, stone, or metal, and bound over a wound, stops bleeding in man or beast."

For toothache is this formula: "Upon a rock St. Peter stood, towards Jerusalem. And Peter prayed, 'Lord, forgive me my sins, and I shall be free. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.—Amen.' Say three times a day, three days running, and drink powdered brimstone water between whiles."

To cure heartache: "Sleep with key of church door around your neck."

"Water taken from church font is good for children with rickets, and will straighten bow-legged children, and children with 'wobbles.'"

"Black spiders dried and powdered cure heart-burn." 

"There are many other cures for heart-burn, and all of them nasty, so nasty that spider-powder sprinkled in water was dainty by comparison."

"Meteorolites and curious stones when ground to powder will cure men or beasts of all common diseases, and blue snake-stones are infallible in case of snake-bite."

"There were love philtres innumerable, and it appeared that a deserted maid had only to steal her lover's jacket, turn the sleeves inside out, bury it at midnight in a churchyard, and then, presto! the lover's heart would turn, and turn, as the jacket rotted in the ground, until he came back repentant to his ancient flame."

Have a good week, stay healthy ~ Mike

Friday 11 March 2022

A Walk Along Spit Beach, Cornwall

You never know what to expect on a walk in Cornwall. My first two photos were snapped about 30 minutes apart.

We were out and about and noticed the Spit Beach car park was empty - so we decided a walk on the beach would in order.

The walk to the beach isn't that special as it is a pathway without any decent views. Oh, and the path is often used by dog walkers. Unfortunately some of them don't pick up what they should pick up.

All is not lost though, as when nearing the beach, there are views across a golf course. If you change your mind about walking on the beach the coastal path, seen above, will take you to Carlyon Bay.

Below is today's first glimpse of Spit Beach with nobody else about - Perfect! 

The beach is sandy and is often described as a locals' beach. Not too many visitors find their way to Spit.

While on the beach the wind started to blow and the sea got quite rough.

I like to see the waves crashing onto the rocks as per the photo at the top of this post and below.

I also like cliffs ...

One of the cliffs is now a natural archway. I always feel compelled to walk through the arch.

After seeing the cliffs we made our way back via the beach.

Quite a few stones and pebbles on the sand - brought in by the waves.

Below, looking back to where we had walked. As I mentioned earlier the coastal path runs along the sea side of the golf course. There are some pleasant views from on high.

And that was the end of our walk.

So much of the rest of the week was rain, but seeing daffodils everywhere lifts the spirits.

The daffs I like most locally are in the arc of flowers which return every year. The daffodils were planted to remember the Marie Curie cancer charity Having gone through kidney cancer I can appreciate the good work they do. 

That's all for now, enjoy your week ~ Mike.

Friday 4 March 2022

Cornwall's Menacuddle Holy Well and Chapel Plus a Strange Story

I have previously published posts about Menacuddle, with its Holy Well and Georgian Chapel, but I make no apologies for publishing a further post. The area is a bit special. Not just the well but also the river and gardens, which alter throughout the seasons. There is definitely a touch of magic and mystery in the air.

The photos are my own, but let's go back to the 1800's. This is how the well was then described:
About half a mile from St. Austell there is an enclosed well of remarkably pure water known as Menacuddle Well i.e. maen-a-coed, the hawk's stone; and also the remains of its little chapel of bapistry.

The chapel is 11 feet long, 9 feet wide. There are north and south doorways. The spring rises on the east side and the basin is divided by a stone bar.

It's romantic situation moved visitors more than any idea 0f the water.

The well is also a wishing well. It lies at the foot of Menacuddle Grove, surrounded with romantic scenery and covered with an ancient Gothic Chapel.

The virtues of these waters are very extraordinary, but the advantages to be derived from them are rather attributed to the sanctity of the fountain than to the excellence of its stream.

Weak children have frequently been carried here to be bathed; ulcers have also been bathed here. 

People in a season of sickness have been recommended by neighbouring matrons to drink this salubrious fluid. In most cases instances may be procured of benefits received from the application.

Kindly note, I would not recommend drinking the water ~ Mike.

While I was doing some research I came across a completely different side to Menacuddle :

"Menacuddle Well woods, in St Austell, Cornwall, are renowned for having a supernatural presence - including a terrifying black beast."

Gulp! I'd never heard this before. Surely it can't be true.

From more research I found the following beast story, which seems to have come to light in 2016.  An Express headline stated: 
The grisley remains of a centuries old corpse has been discovered in a creepy British woodland - which locals believe is haunted by a huge black beast!

A local councillor is quoted as saying, "Be careful. I have seen it. It's not a dog or a cat."

Think that deserves another gulp!

The story is that the corpse is probably about 300 years old. Back then people were sometimes buried in slate coffins - this is in the 1700s and 1800s.

A local councillor explained how it is believed that the coffin was left near the well, by the grieving family members, who hoped the well's powers would restore him to life.

All in all an interesting story, what with the supposed beast and the skull - but I have always felt quite happy to wander by the well and through the Menacuddle gardens. 

Mind you, though, I remember seeing something black and beast like ... okay, okay it was only my son's black cat.

Thanks for visiting my blog, have a good week ~ Mike.
Here are three more of my Menacuddle Posts:



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...