Tuesday 13 February 2024

Introduction to Gover Valley, Cornwall

 A few photos today of Gover Valley where there is usually an abundance of greenery. 

A stream tinkles along.

It would be easy to imagine a few of the little people - fairies and the like - are watching on.

Green branches reach out to  touch the passing walker.

Boulders galore, perhaps, they provide places for those little people to hide.

A bright green wall guides the stream for a short distance.

Darker green moss clings to remnants of the once china clay industry. A gentleman I met, a while back, told me how his dog disliked this area and would not pass by without by without a struggle. 

There's a steep road  to the top of the valley, from where there are views of the greenery and a chimney from the once china clay industry

There's another look at the chimney and a row of houses. In the background is a china clay 'pyramid' cfreated from china clay spoils, but  has now been taken over by nature.

That's all for today's post but for more info on Gover Valley see my blog post with 40 photos:

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.

Friday 2 February 2024

A Stroll at Charlestown, Cornwall

After all of the rain, coldness and dark skies we actually had a day of sunshine in Cornwall. So off we went for a stroll around Charlestown.

As we walked I snapped a few quick photos. Even the small beach was tempting.

Not many boats to view but, on the plus side, there were very few other people about.

The sky was a perfect blue, at least for a while.

We wandered along the harbour wall.

Looking inland the cliffs and beach were on view.

It is hard to imagine that 40,000 tones of copper ore were exported from Charlestown between 1810 and 1811.

See my post  For a Brief History of Charlestown.

After our stroll we made our way home. The photo below is of the outer part of Charlestown with green fields in the distance.

We actually walked to Charlestown from Carlyon Bay along a public path to make our stroll / walk a bit longer.

That's all for Charlestown today,  so a couple of indoor flowers my wife has grown, t0 finish the post.

Thanks for visiting my blog
Good wishes, Mike.



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...