Friday 8 April 2022

Walking at Charlestown Harbour and Port

Only a few people were in Charlestown so it was pleasant to meander  alongside the port and harbour. The white dove was quite amicable and happy to join  us at our view point.

The sea didn't look so inviting though.

A group of people mingled on the harbour wall, so we weren't completely alone.

It's hard to imagine that  40,000 tones of copper ore were exported from here between 1810 and 1813. The harbour and port would have been full of sailing ships ready for transporting goods worldwide. Today the harbour is empty.

Below is the bridge which joins the harbour with the port - plus a flush of blue sky.

The port with a few sailing ships, but gets much busier in the summer months.

The harbour is empty other than the inward tide.

Here we are, all alone, on the harbour wall with the cliffs in the distance.

A few 'toys' for when the weather brightens.

Moving on to the sought after cottages overlooking the port and harbour. One of the small cottages is currently on sale for £500,000!

More cottages below ...

... and a few sailing ships.

A couple of cannons on display, by the steps, just in case they are needed

Leaving Charlestown harbour now and making our way back to our car, which we had parked at Carlyon Bay. So a bit of a walk.

A small, but attractive, magnolia pointed the way.

We followed the path and ...

... the walls were covered in moss and greenery. 

Always interesting to visit Charlestown.

I have a few old photos - 1880 to 1900 - of Charlestown, which can be seen 0n my blog post Old Vintage Photos of Charlestown, Cornwall 

Enjoy your weekend and week ahead. 
Good wishes ~Mike

Friday 1 April 2022

Flower Power in Cornwall

The palm trees at Cornwall's Eden Project were a little bedraggled but, no doubt, they will improve with the sunshine.

We were on a quickish visit to Eden to see what flowers were in colour.

The daffs looked fine as we approached one of the biomes.

Then it was into the Mediterranean biome with tulips welcoming us into the warmth.

From then on I snapped a few photos of flowers which caught my eye.

I liked the following display because it almost looks like a painting.

Here are a few more of the photos.

And, of course, there had to be a bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae).

We then made our way out of the biomes and towards the exit.

Several plants were running free.

On the way out of the Eden Project there was lots of heather in various shades of colour.

We returned home to be welcomed by our azalea. Such a lovely plant which virtually needs no attention and flowers every year

We have lots of primroses. They are allowed to roam wherever they wish as they were my mother's favourite flowers. Oh, and the red brick to the right of the photo, which I have no doubt mentioned previously, is from the cottage where my wife was born in northern Germany. We went to visit the cottage and found it had been knocked down to make way for a new, faster road. So we carried a couple of bricks back from Germany. Luckily we had our car with us!

To finish today's flower post theme two more photos. The flowers were received by my wife for Mother's Day and ...

... the following day for her birthday. I guess our sons must feel that she's done a good job! So do I, of course.

Many thanks for visiting my blog. As the old Chinese saying goes: "If you have two loaves of bread sell one and buy a lily" (or perhaps any flower). Hope you have an interesting week ~ Mike.

Here's another random Eden Project post: A Walk At Cornwall's Eden Project - With 27 Photos

Friday 25 March 2022

Perranporth Beach Stretches For Miles and Miles

Perranporth Beach, Cornwall

Spring is here and hopefully summer will follow, all in good time. This is the beach at Perranporth - somewhere holiday makers head for when they want beaches and surf in Cornwall. 

People on Perranporth Beach, Cornwall

Looking at the photo above you might be thinking that there are a lot of people about - and the photo was taken out of the main season! But not to worry as there are three miles of beaches - enough for most people. Even in the main summer season there should be somewhere to plonk your stuff on the sand and enjoy the sea.

RNLI on Perranporth Beach

The beach has RNLI lifeguards on duty - though they only patrol the beach area between their flags. So if you wander too far they might not be able rescue you if you should get into difficulties.  Note the lifeguard cover is normally available from Easter until the end of October.

Surf school at Perranporth Beach, Cornwall

At Perranporth the Atlantic surf is good - lessons are usually available for all ages.

The surf and waves at Perranporth Beach

The beach carries on and on and the people get less and less - but remember, the RNLI lifeguards may not be easily available this far along the beach.

Plenty of space on the Beach at Perranporth, Cornwall

If you wander into the sand dunes there are good views of the beaches.

The dunes at Perranporth, Cornwall

The beaches seem to go on and on ...

Looking at Perranporth beach from the sand dunes

All very perfect on a blue sky day.

Amazing beach at Perranporth, Cornwall

The photos were taken on the same day but I can't guarantee that the weather will always be this good!

Sandy beach at Perranporth, Cornwall

Here's another post I published on Perranporth:



  Charlestown today, the weather is somewhat changeable but there are quite a few visitors and boats about. The once fishermen...