Showing posts with label Eden Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eden Project. Show all posts

Monday 11 March 2024


We had a visit to Cornwall's Eden Project. It wasn't looking its best, because of the time of year, but we still enjoyed our visit  - especially as there weren't many other visitors about.

We walked around the gardens before visiting the biomes. Good to see the magnolias above.

Not sure what the plants below are

Getting nearer the biomes.

There are lots of planting going on at Eden, as symbolised by this blue 'man' with the red gloves.

Here we are below, now inside the rain forest biome  for the next eleven photos. It is said to be the world's largest indoor rain forest.

Yes, a robin keeping warm in the biome. He came and sat beside me.

That's all for the Rainforest biome for today.
Below is now the Mediterranean biome.

A quick look inside the more colourful Mediterranean biome.

That's all for today, thanks for visiting my blog. There are many more Eden posts - use the search at the top of  my blog ~ Mike.

Friday 28 April 2023

Cornwall's Eden Project with 23 Photos

Today I'm at Cornwall's Eden Project with it's huge biomes (as above). There is also much more to view. We started off by walking an ancient path, with lots of moss and greenery on the large Cornish stones.

Moving on with a view  towards the biomes.

Getting ever closer to those biomes.

I'm not sure why I snapped a photo of this succulent, but it seemed lonely!

Here we are now in the Mediterranean Biome. It's pleasantly warm with lots of colourful flowers and plants.

A few people taking photos and enjoying the colours.

More photos of the plants in the Mediterranean biome.

No doubt you'll recognise the wicker animal amongst the palms.

Erm, well yes, I'm still in the same biome!  The next two photos represent the festivities of Dionysus: wine and fertility - and perhaps a little more wine.

Back to normal - a tulip.

On leaving the Mediterranean warmth - this man was walking up the side of the biome! Most unexpected.

Unfortunately we didn't have time to visit the Rain Forest biome, but here are three photos I took on a previous visit.

That's all for today, thanks for visiting my blog - Mike.

A Zen saying: There's no meaning to a flower unless it blooms.

Friday 1 April 2022

Flower Power in Cornwall

The palm trees at Cornwall's Eden Project were a little bedraggled but, no doubt, they will improve with the sunshine.

We were on a quickish visit to Eden to see what flowers were in colour.

The daffs looked fine as we approached one of the biomes.

Then it was into the Mediterranean biome with tulips welcoming us into the warmth.

From then on I snapped a few photos of flowers which caught my eye.

I liked the following display because it almost looks like a painting.

Here are a few more of the photos.

And, of course, there had to be a bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae).

We then made our way out of the biomes and towards the exit.

Several plants were running free.

On the way out of the Eden Project there was lots of heather in various shades of colour.

We returned home to be welcomed by our azalea. Such a lovely plant which virtually needs no attention and flowers every year

We have lots of primroses. They are allowed to roam wherever they wish as they were my mother's favourite flowers. Oh, and the red brick to the right of the photo, which I have no doubt mentioned previously, is from the cottage where my wife was born in northern Germany. We went to visit the cottage and found it had been knocked down to make way for a new, faster road. So we carried a couple of bricks back from Germany. Luckily we had our car with us!

To finish today's flower post theme two more photos. The flowers were received by my wife for Mother's Day and ...

... the following day for her birthday. I guess our sons must feel that she's done a good job! So do I, of course.

Many thanks for visiting my blog. As the old Chinese saying goes: "If you have two loaves of bread sell one and buy a lily" (or perhaps any flower). Hope you have an interesting week ~ Mike.

Here's another random Eden Project post: A Walk At Cornwall's Eden Project - With 27 Photos



  Charlestown today, the weather is somewhat changeable but there are quite a few visitors and boats about. The once fishermen...