Showing posts with label Flowers. St.Austell. Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. St.Austell. Church. Show all posts

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Cornwall in Duck Egg Blue and Other Colours

We were in St. Austell on the Bank Holiday. A strange choice perhaps, but we wanted to buy some duck egg blue fence paint.

Well, it seemed a good idea at the time. I think my wife must have been under the influence of Alan Titchmarsh! Anyway. we purchased the paint without the help of any loan sharks.

It's strange how, on a Bank Holiday, so many neighbours rev up their noisy grass mowers and strimmers.

On that note we left St. Austell and took the long exit down many steps. The building opposite is the local tax offices.

That's better, a nice touch of colour. I believe there is a Chinese saying: if you have two loaves of bread you should sell one and buy some flowers with the money. Well something like that.

 We made our way back home, and below is part of our patio  fence - that would soon be a duck egg blue colour.

I had a wander around our garden.

There's a bit of colour here and there as can be seen by the next few photos.

Below is a glance of our money tree  (crassula ovata) which is over thirty years old.

Also my wife has a few runner beans in the porch, though they will soon have to go outside.

Opposite our house there are quite a few rhododendrons running wild.

A closer look of the rhododendrons.

Our first hydrangea of the year, a white one.

This is looking across our back garden to our patio.

Ah, and at last, we have the duck egg blue fence my wife wanted, with a dark slate colour at the bottom.

A similar photo. Oh dear, just remembered we now have to paint the outside table and eight chairs.

The dark slate colour.

 I've rambled on enough, so final photos for today.

Thanks for visiting my blog.
P.S. Thought I'd better squeeze in a bit of  Cornwall's coastline ~ Mike



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