Showing posts with label Rainbow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rainbow. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Out and About: Piskies, Flowers, Art Work and a Rainbow.

As we walked along the damp Cornish lane we wondered if a piskie would try to send us the wrong way or play some other trick with us - as is their custom. They are always full of fun and even have their own nursery rhyme.

"See-saw, Margery Daw,
Sold her bed and lay upon straw,
Sold her bed and lay upon hay, 
Piskie came and took her away."

Somehow a pansy had flowered, it's roots squashed between a crack in the surface of the lane.

A tree had recently been cut and was now laying comfortably on a bed of moss.

There is always something to see on a walk but often we don't seem to have time to stop and stare.

The sky turned a dark blue. The old pillar of a viaduct, which once carried trains to Cornwall from London stood, proudly next to the updated viaduct. It was originally built in 1859.

Suddenly the world looked brighter, there are always a few flowers to see even in winter.

The Camellia below is from our garden, where my favourite border collie dog is buried. He was so wonderful and will never be forgotten.

We wandered into St.Austell town centre. All was quiet because of the Coronavirus lockdown.  

Some artwork caught my eye.

I have walked through St. Austell many a time but have never noticed the art work high above the Fore Street.

On our way home a rainbow, but we didn't see any bluebirds flying high.

Finally, for today, a few bursts of winter colour.

Thanks for visiting my blog - all good wishes.



  Charlestown today, the weather is somewhat changeable but there are quite a few visitors and boats about. The once fishermen...