Good men are frequently persecuted by those whom they have benefited most. The righteous Piran had by virtue of his sanctity been enabled to feed ten Irish Kings and their armies for ten days together with three cows.
He brought to life by his prayers the dogs which had been killed while hunting the elk and the boar, and even restored to existence many of the warriors who had fallen on the battlefield.
Notwithstanding this and his incomparable goodness, some of the kings condemned him to be cast off a precipice into the sea, with a millstone around his neck.
At a signal from one of the kings, the stone and the saint were rolled to the edge of, and suddenly over the cliff into the Atlantic.
The winds were blowing tempestuously, the heavens were dark with clouds and the waves white with crested foam.
No sooner was Piran and the millstone launched into space, than the sun shone out brightly, casting a full lustre of its beams on the holy man, who sat tranquilly on the descending stone.
The winds died away, and the waves became smooth as a mirror. The moment the millstone touched the water, hundreds converted to Christianity who saw this miracle.
St. Piran floated on safely to Cornwall. He landed on the 5th of March on the sands that bare his name. He lived amongst Cornish men until he attained the age of 206 years.
*The name of the saint is also written as Piran, Peran or Perran