Showing posts with label Mediterranean. Rainforest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mediterranean. Rainforest. Show all posts

Friday 10 September 2021

A Taster of Cornwall's Eden Project - 27 Photos

Here we are at Cornwall's Eden Project. The first view visitors see are the biomes, as above. There must be thousands of people who have a similar photo.

We usually visit the Wild Cornwall walk first as there are some nice views of the Biomes and beyond.

There are also some other interesting bits and pieces like the memorial leaves fixed to rocks.

A newish addition is the Labyrinth as below, which seemed to interest several children. There could, however, be more to this than expected.

The photo below is something I snapped a photo of, in the Rocky Valley on Cornwall's north coast. There are actually two such rock face carvings - and are said to be from the Bronze Age about 1800 t0 1400BC.

Moving on, I guess Eve has seen many things come and go in her lifetime.

We are now in the Mediterranean Biome for the next four photos.

Also in the Mediterranean Biome was a robin who seemed to follow me about.

There he was again looking at me - robins are one of my favourite birds, so very friendly.

Two more photos from within the Mediterranean Biome.

Now we have moved to the Rainforest Biome for the next three photos.

Watch out for the orangutan, okay he's not real but orangutans are often called the gardeners of the forest.

The sculptor, James Wild, has used scrap metal as his artistic medium.

A small stream within the biome.

Also a West Africa Crop Shop.

Three more photos from the Rainforest Biome.

On high is a rope bridge, quite wobbly but fun.

This is the source of the water within the biome, a waterfall.

That's all for today. Hope you have an interesting weekend and week ahead ~ Mike.



  Charlestown today, the weather is somewhat changeable but there are quite a few visitors and boats about. The once fishermen...