Showing posts with label jellyfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jellyfish. Show all posts

Friday 16 June 2023

Sand and Barrel Jellyfish at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall.


Carlyon Bay beach, Cornwall

There is a long beach at Carlyon Bay, St.Austell, Cornwall. 

The photo above was snapped after I had walked to the far end of the sand, so not many people about! Well, none actually! It gets much busier though at the height of the summer season. 

This far end of the beach was once a designated for naturists. I'm not sure if this still applies as the beach has confusing plans for redevelopment - mind you this has been promised / threatened for many years, but actual building work has never commenced.

The other end of the beach (photo below), nearest the car park, is quite popular. There are rocks to explore and so on. Some people are even brave enough to plunge into the water.

The rocks and beach with holiday makers at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

You have to be a little aware, if close to the cliffs, as there are rock falls occasionally.

Rockfalls at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

When I walked to the far end of the beach all seemed peaceful, other than a young seagull blowing in the wind.

A young seagull on the beach at Carlyon Bay

But then I spotted something in the sea - jellyfish - big ones!

Barrel Jellyfish seen at Carlyon Beach

They are Barrel jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo) and are said to be the largest in UK waters. I have read that they can grow as large as a dustbin lid - and are sometimes, therefore, known as dustbin-lid jellyfish. 

Barrel jellyfish in the water at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

The jellyfish can sting but this is not normally harmful to us humans.

Barrel Jellyfish at Cornwall Bay, St.Austell

The jellyfish aren't at Carlyon Bay all of the time! They are most likely to be seen in May or June when the waters start to warm. They can get washed ashore if they swim too near the beach.

Jellyfish in the sea at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

There always seems to be something interesting on a long beach. I have seen a very large fin whale washed ashore at Carlyon Bay, which was quite upsetting. 

After walking the length of the beach I retraced my footsteps to the most popular section - and the flags were flying!

Carlyon Bay welcome on the beach.

As I walked back to the car - up a hill unfortunately - I snapped a final photo looking out to sea.

Looking out to sea and coastline from Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

Kindly note this post was also published a while back. I am not available at the moment.

Many thanks for visiting my blog.
Good wishes ~ Mike.

Friday 13 August 2021

Photos of Par Beach Cornwall Plus a 500 Year Old Bridge

On my previous post I mentioned Par beach, so I thought that today I'd follow on from there. As you can see in the photo above, the tide goes out a long way - a very long way!

Below is looking inland with the sandy beach in the distance.

Some ripples left behind by the tide.

Also left behind by the tide was this attractive jelly fish. I think it might be a Compass Jellyfish (Chrysaora Hysoscella) though I'm not certain.

Slowly getting nearer to the sea and the seaweed. 

Looking towards the end of the beach you might just be able to see the china clay works, which has its own harbour.

There were lots of patterns in the damp sand. I could make out all sorts of patterns and faces.

Nearing the far end of the beach, with green fields inland.

At the end of the beach, by the clay works, is a river and most times there are swans to be seen. It looks like some of the family are missing, hope they are okay.

As we walked inland more green fields and wild flowers in the dunes.

As the sign states there is a clay trail starting here but we walked the opposite way.

At the back of the beach there is Par Sands Holiday and Caravan Park with caravans and mobile homes - as per the photo below.

There are also lodges with a view of the small lake.

And this is the lake from the opposite side. Many birds congregate here. Lots of Canadian geese on my visit but usually swans, ducks and so on.

From Par Beach there is access to Cornwall's coastal path. There's a lovely walk to Polkerris, with it's small harbour and beach. See my post Polkerris Harbour, Cornwall on a Perfect Sunshine Day. Photo of Polkerris below.

You'll find the coastal path from the Par Beach car park. Looking towards the sea it's on your left towards the back of the car park.


In a previous post I mentioned the ceramic art work on display in St. Austell town centre. I've just noticed another piece I previously missed.

On the outskirts of  St.Austell town there is a very old bridge that is rarely given a second glance. It no longer carries traffic, other than perhaps a few bicycles. This is a shame because the bridge is well over 500 years old.

We know it's minimum age because it was mentioned by someone called John Leland in 1538. He was King Henry VIII's Chaplain who was sent out around the country to gather material for a history of England.

Leland, sometimes spelt Leyland, didn't seem to think much of St. Austell as he wrote (in old English): "... the poore toun of St Austelles is nothing notable but for the paroch chirch. And there is a bridge of the same name."

Below is the bridge. Hard to imagine that crossing this was then the main route into St. Austell from the west.

And finally, the lilies in our garden have ventured forth.

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope you have an interesting week ~ Mike.



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