Wednesday 10 March 2021

Geese, Par Beach, Sand Dunes and Flowers

The sun was shining  so we went along to Par Beach, on Cornwall's south coast, for a walk.

Years back we had two caravans on the site, which we let out to holiday makers. So it was interesting to see how things had changed.

All was well with the world and the geese seemed content on the lake - along with a couple of swans and numerous ducks.

Par isn't a favourite beach, but it's quite a long stretch and the water is usually quite shallow and placid.

We crossed the sand dunes to walk on the flat sand.

Then, wham bang, the weather changed within a few minutes. The sky wasn't quite as inviting.

The sea wasn't too inviting either. It's usually flat and shallow but waves rolled in.

As it looked like rain we headed back across the sand dunes to find our car.

You often find in Cornwall that if you move along the coast a little the weather can be quite different. This was the case on our trip.

We wandered down a few lanes and there were flowers galore ...

... even a host of golden daffodils ...

... and some camellias.

Plus bright gaudy colours.

Amongst the woods an old wall was covered with moss ...

... and there was more moss on the trees - made me think of Christmas, which I didn't really want to think about!

We decided to make our way back home, a mug of tea was the order of the day - okay, and a biscuit. Yes, a chocolate one or maybe two.

All good wishes, thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Hello Mike, the Cornish turn of weather really can take one by surprise! ...especially the golf ball sized hail stones! The mossy wall and trees are wonderful. I think a good walk always warrants a big pots of tea and a couple of biscuits. Lulu x

  2. Hello Lulu, I think it's always time for tea! I probably drink too many cups in a day.
    We had some of the hail stones today but they soon disappeared.
    Hope you have a good weekend ~ Mike.




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