Friday 31 December 2021

The New Year, Lanhydrock House and Long Life

We had quite a luxurious spread over the Christmas and New Year period. Thank goodness our servants were fit and able.
Okay I fibbed a bit, the photos are of Lanhydrock House in Cornwall - well other than the photo above.  The gentleman on the ground is my grandfather!

I never knew him as he died long before I was born. He was considerably older than my grandmother. When they married she was very young and he was a widower. I have written about him previously, see my post: My Grandad, Vintage Coincidence & Reincarnation. Though I never knew him I feel a strong connection with him.

Anyway, lets wander around Lanhydrock House. Lots of pots and pans for the cook.

I guess this is where the crocks got washed, not quite so posh below stairs.

Ah! A bedroom at Lanhydrock House, a bit too fussy for my taste.

The bathroom adjoining the bedroom.

Let's take a look outdoors. This is the gatehouse dating way back to 1651.

And, obviously, there just had to be a driveway leading up to the gatehouse.

There's lots of elbow room in the grounds. I believe this stretches to well over 800 acres.

That's it, a brief look at Lanhydrock House which is managed by the National Trust.

Nearly forgot, I haven't wished everyone a Happy New Year as yet, so Happy New Year!

Wonder what 2022 will bring? Hopefully Long Life and Happiness.

Writing that reminded me of of my Grandmother, the wife of of my grandfather whom I mentioned earlier in this post - she definitely had long life, as she lived to 103!

She had great strength of character. When a mere 83 she had an accident when trying to hang some new curtains in her bedroom - while standing on a wobbly chair.

She fell to the ground and was on her own for nearly eight hours. Her hip was broken and she had pneumonia. Eventually she was rushed to hospital. Doctors suggested that her family should visit her, as she wasn't expected to live.

Grandmother proved them wrong and was soon out of hospital. She went on to live for another twenty years! 

Character and strength of mind do seem to be essential for long life.

The picture below is of the telegram sent by the Queen to my grandmother on her 100th birthday. I remember she wasn't that impressed!

Anyway, mustn't ramble on - thanks for visiting my blog. All good wishes ~ Mike.


  1. I find these places fascinating. It's easy to see them as museums but I can't imagine what it must have been like to live in a house like this. Lovely photo's Mike, best wishes for the New Year. 😊

    1. Thanks David, all good wishes for 2022. Who'd have thought the 40's boys would still be going strong!

  2. Apparently I wasn't invited to your lavish dinner:-)

    It is interesting to imagine life as led by such affluent folks. The story of your grandmother is marvelous. She was obviously a strong woman. My grandmother and great-grandmother were both similarly strong and lived to 100. My great grandmother gave birth to 11 children, one while working in a farm field. She had the baby, set it aside and completed her work. At least that is what she told us!
    Happy New Year, Mike! Let's hope for healthy longevity and safety in our crazy world!

    1. Oh Ann, sorry the invitation didn't reach you ... I'll try harder in 2022. Interesting to hear about your grandmother and great-grandmother - a whole different world to nowadays.
      All good wishes for the New Year, it seems to have arrived quicker than normal.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello,what an interesting read.I live in Cornwall too,love it with a Passion and the wonderful,amazing proud to be here.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello Lee, thank you for leaving a comment - yes, Cornwall is a special place! All good wishes.

  6. Happy 2022 Mike :) Wow, Lanydrock is terribly grand isn't it ! I think I prefer the kitchens to the fancy bedrooms (wallpaper overload!). The dining room would be handy for Christmas lunch though. Your grandmother sounds like quite a character. How funny that she wasn't impressed with her telegram from the Queen x

    1. Hello Lulu. I think it was the words that went with the card that didn't impress Grandmother - they seemed so cold and formal. All good wishes for 2022, wonder what it will bring?

  7. Happy New Year, Mike. Landyrock looks very posh, but as you say, a bit too fussy. I love your grandmother's story. What a feisty lady.

    1. And a Happy New Year to you too. Grandmother was certainly a real character! Take care.

  8. Lanhydrock House looks like a wonderful place to visit.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Hello and thank you for leaving a comment. Lanhydrock is an interesting place to visit with lots of walks in the extensive gardens and grounds. Hope you have a Happy New Year too.




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