Friday, 3 June 2022

On Tour: Beautiful Maidencombe and Devon in General

We slipped out of Cornwall, across the Tamar River, and made our way to Maidencombe in Devon where we had booked a week in an apartment.

As usual I wanted to see the local beach before anything else - it was a long way down from the top of the cliffs!

The apartment was very pleasant with white sofas and rugs and art work on the walls. 

From the window was a view of the sea and sheep were in the field. I tried to count them. I think I got up to 55 before the inevitable happened zzzzz zzzzz!

As it mostly does, morning arrived and we put on our walking boots to see - well, whatever we could see. Nearby was a lovely thatched pub ...

... and a village green with a touch of yellow.

Lots more thatched buildings and green fields to enjoy ... 

... plus an orchard.

Green fields in abundance, some hiding very desirable properties. The white building below is where we stayed.

There were several paths to choose and we decided to walk part of the coastal path.

We wandered the green / yellow fields until ...

... we found a style to cross onto the coastal path.

The views from the path weren't too special as the sea was hiding bashfully behind bushes and trees.

An inland path led us astray but somehow ...

... we ended up on Maidencombe beach with its reddish sand.

Came across a few interesting looking rocks as the sky and sea turned brighter and bluer.

All in all a very pleasant walk.

Earlier in this post I mentioned sheep. Here's another pic. I snapped the photo early in the morning while still in bed! I didn't realise anyone/thing could see into our bedroom.

I think that's all for today but there will be a further Devon post before I get back into my Cornwall routine.

All good wishes, enjoy June. ~ Mike.


  1. I thought your opening remark was going to be "we slipped out Cornwall under the cover of darkness"!
    Lovely scenery and photo's Mike and the accomodation equally impressive. I would have enjoyed this area but have to admit that watching sheep from my bed would have been the highlight of the stay! 😊

    1. Hello David, it did feel like sneaking out of Cornwall - it's the first time out of Cornwall for what seems like ages because of Covid etc. I like Devon and, further along the coast, at Dorset.
      It was good seeing the sheep out of the windows.
      Back to normal again now.

  2. So glad you enjoyed Devon and were made welcome, Mike. Another lovely post. All the best to you and yours... Prue

    1. Thanks Prue, we were made very welcome in Devon, everyone we spoke to seemed friendly - and helpful when we got a bit lost on our walks. Good wishes.

  3. Greetings, Mike! I've always heard that Devon was lovely and I can see that it is. Great that you could get away for a while. We are traveling as well, cautiously, but nevertheless it is good to see something other than our own neighborhood!

    1. Hello Ann, it's always good to hear from you and, yes, Devon is a lovely county and not too far from home for us. I've been itching to get away somewhere for months and months, hopefully Covid is now behind us - touch wood!
      Glad you are traveling too, hope you enjoy the feeling of freedom.
      All good wishes.

  4. Looks like a great getaway Mike, and not too far from home, so luckily no tiring long travel hours. It must have been quite funny opening the curtains to see sheep (well done on counting them!). I remember staying on a farm years ago and opening the curtains to two horses staring in, their nostrils steaming up the window! I think they were after a morning sugar cube :) x

    1. Hello Lulu. We had never been to Maidencombe previously so it made a pleasant change and, as you say wasn't too far from home. Until Covid we had lots of breaks and holidays, abroad and home. I don't feel like risking a plane journey at the moment.




A short wander around the harbour at Mevagissey, Cornwall on a pleasant day. Lots of boats on display depending on the season, The name of M...