Saturday 4 May 2019

St.Sampson's Church and Holy Well On the Saints' Way At Golant, Cornwall

St Sampson's church, Goland, Cornwall

While out walking we passed St.Sampson's Church at Golant and its Holy Well. A hermit's hut, chapel and church has stood on this plot for at least 1500 years. 

The church lies on the Saints' Way along which many Celtic saints walked from Padstow to Fowey - thus avoiding the perilous sea route around Lands End - on their way to preach God's word to Europe. St. Sampson was one of those who undertook this journey.

Inside St. Sampson's church, Golant, Cornwall

Inside the church the roof has ornate wooden, carved bosses (above). It's a very welcoming place, open to all, and has a good vibe. It's obviously a much loved church.

The shape of the church is typically 13th or 14th century with an aisle divided from the nave by an arcade of seven arches. Some claim that this shows a Portuguese or Spanish influence. This is not so surprising as there was much trade between nearby Fowey with Spain and Portugal. One merchant, Frissart de Bragga, even became Admiral of the Port of Fowey in 1347.

Jesus at St.Sampson's church, Golant, Cornwall

The head of Jesus was given to the church by Rev. J.L. Lyne who became Father Ignatius of Llanthony - he preached his very first sermon in the church.

The Holy Well can be found at the left side of the entrance porch, The water is used for baptisms and the like.

St.Samposn's Holy Well, Golant, Cornwall

There is a metal gate in front of the Holy Well but this is easily opened - so I could splash some water on my face!

Holy Well at St.Sampson's church, Golant, Cornwall


  1. It's a fine Church and unusual to have a Holy Well for Baptisms.

    1. The church was at the end of a walk - and we seem to always go into churches when passing. Usually something of interest.




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