Saturday 8 August 2020

The Smugglers Brew From Cornwall

My son gave me a box of Cornish Tea, described as a 'Smugglers Brew'. I drink a lot of tea, usually PG Tips mixed with Tetley - one tea bag of each in a teapot for two cups.

What fascinated me about the Cornish Tea, however, was that there was a poem about Cornwall on the box.

Cornwall is the place to be,
With tea and scones by the sea.
Lovely weather all summer long,
How could one possibly go wrong.
Walking bare-footed on golden sand,
While couples are walking hand in hand.
From smugglers coves and tiny streets
To pubs and night clubs blaring their beats.
Driving your car down single lanes
Watching tractors plough their muddy plains.
Surfers flock to tidal waves,
Water crashing in to empty caves.
Pasties are what the Cornish do best,
If you don't believe me go try the rest.
Holiday camps are so much fun
When you could play all day or sit in the sun.
So next time you're sitting there, 
Drinking your tea
Remember that Cornwall is the place to be.

The poem was by Matthew McGuiness
Age 13 - Looe Community Academy

The tea tastes good too! Perfect 
with your scones, jam and cream

I guess, in an ideal world, we would all purchase local products and support local shops and businesses.

Must be time for tea! I prefer mine in a white mug.


  1. Like you I'm a big tea drinker, preferring Begley tea bags. I know Yorkshire has its own branded tea but have not heard about this one.

    1. Thanks David. Yorkshire tea I find a little strong for me. Don't think I have ever tried Begley tea bags.

  2. A delightful post! I knew immediately after the first line of the poem that it was written by a youngster given its literal and descriptive nature, very well done as well. Tea is soothing. It has become more popular here recently and flavored teas are particularly so. Our local shop offers monthly tasting parties, suspended for the time being of course.

    1. It's strange how tea is often drunk a certain way in differing areas. My mother was from the north-east of England (Wallsend) so we had strong tea, the sort that stains the cups! I remember one of my first girlfriends, who lived in a posh part of London, invited me to tea at her parents house. They dished up this weak, delicate, almost tasteless tea in small cups. Anyway, that was a very long time ago. Thanks Ann, all good wishes.

  3. My son and partner sent me a lovely hamper containing goodies from Cornwall, including Smugglers Brew tea. I thoroughly enjoyed the taste of this different 'everyday' tea. I live in Scotland and occasionally was transported to Jamaica Inn and all things pirates.Like yourself I read everything on the cardboard box,including the wonderful poem and then when I was recycling the cardboard I took the box apart a came across a few lines saying.. if you are reading this you are clearly bored and have taken apart the box.! Excellent ,I love this humour and well done for such creativity. I live in Scotland by the way and at this challenging time, it was a brilliant pick me up.

    1. Thank you for your interesting comment, so glad to hear you enjoyed the Cornish tea. Goes well, of course, with a scone, jam and cream!
      You are right about these being a challenging times, they have certainly clipped my wings.
      All good wishes ~ Mike.




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