Friday 25 June 2021

A Walk in Luxulyan Valley to View Cornwall's Industrial Past

A walk today in the Luxulyan Valley. We decided to keep it shortish and walk for an hour and then retrace our footsteps. So no more than two hours in total, probably less. I'll show our starting point at the end of the post.

It's an interesting walk as amongst the pathways there are abandoned remains from Cornwall's industrial past.

Way back, from 1840, stone laden trams would run down an inclined tramway to the valley floor.

Old tramway lines can be seen alongside the path.

We saw very few people as we walked, mainly locals exercising their dogs.

A sign of The friends of the Luxulyan Valley.

The pathway widened.

We walked under a bridge.

There is a warning sign reminding walkers to take care.

Looking up at the bridge, wild flowers contrasted with the blue sky.

Typically for a valley there is a river rushing to get somewhere fast.

Debris had accumulated in the river.

The sky may have been blue but the trees made everywhere cool and dappled.

Ah, and then, suddenly, what I wanted to view: the remnants of the Trevanney Dry used until 1960 for processing china clay piped in from outside of the valley.

The next three photos show the remains of the building.

Red Bricks, the sign of the chimney.

And the chimney from a distance.

We now started to retrace our footsteps. So much greenery.

A river trundled along by the path and ...

... a sign for the St. Blazey Bridge was  by the railway lines. 

We actually started our walk at St. Blazey.

And here we are back by the A390 at St. Blazey. You can see below where I parked my white car. This was in Aberdeen Close - which is just before the railway crossing if travelling east or just after the railway crossing if travelling west.

Our walk started on the opposite side of the road. There isn't a sign but there is a dip and a path can be seen leading into the greenery.

A pleasant enough walk but there is much more to Luxulyan Valley - See my post The Luxulyan Valley Cornwall.

Luxulyan Valley Combined Viaduct and Aqueduct 


  1. Great post Mike and viaduct snap! I have just posted about the Bissoe trail and Carnon Downs viaduct. Unlike the Luxulyan Valley though, the tramlines are all removed. That's a very fine red brick chimney. What a relaxing looking walk and as always, wonderful pictures. Hope you enjoy your weekend. Lulu x

    1. Hello Lulu, I like to see the remnants of Cornwall's industrial past, so many minerals in the county. To think that mines in the Polgooth area supplied Phoenician traders with tin 3000 years ago etc. Hope you have an interesting weekend. Good wishes.

  2. I stumbled across your post courtesy of Lulu and really enjoyed sharing your walk. We stayed in Tywardreath over New Year 2020 (obviously just pre-Covid) and went on an unplanned exploration one afternoon. We got slightly lost and emerged somewhere along the road featured in your penultimate pic. Obviously we were very close to your route…a good excuse to return! :-) Claire

    1. Hello Claire, good to hear from you. Tywardreath was featured by Daphne du Maurier in her novel The House on the Strand. Always interesting to go somewhere unplanned - never know what you might find! Hope you make it back to Tywardreath. Good wishes ~ Mike.

  3. I enjoy walking around old industrial sites where nature has taken over. This has lots of interesting features and I also like the images of the river running through.

    1. Thanks David, I found it an interesting walk plus it was a pleasant sunny day. Hope you have a good week ahead.

  4. Interesting to note that industrialisation and jobs in that area probably exceeds that of today. Nice pics & comments

    1. Thanks kindly, it seems that only a short while back the area was dominated by the china clay industry - but this has now almost disappeared.
      All good wishes.




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