Saturday 20 May 2023

A Walk Along Par Beach, Cornwall

It's Par Beach today, not perhaps one of my favourite beaches but it's pleasant to walk along the sand.  Oh yes,  I nearly forgot, dogs like the beach.

The tide goes out a long way  and, when the tide is high, the water is still shallow unless you walk quite a distance into the sea. Children seem to like this in the summer season.

Backing onto the beach are some sand dunes.  

Below is part of the beach looking from the dunes, with green fields in the distance.

At the far back of Par Beach are caravans and chalets to let in the summer season. This area is now known as Par Sands Holiday Park.

The caravans are all neat and tidy.

Here are a couple of the chalets by a lake.

The lake is deep, so swimming, fishing and boating aren't allowed.

Seagulls, Canadian geese and ducks gather around the lake. Mostly because people like to 'feed the ducks'.

Looking across the lake, with a couple of chalets on view.

The sun got brighter as we walked and more people headed to the beach.

We had parked our car in the bumpy carpark. The cost was £1 per hour - I don't know if this will increase in the main holiday season.
The photo below, of  Par Beach, was snapped last summer.

If you like walking you'll find  Cornwall's coastal path in the Par Beach carpark. Looking towards the sea it's on your left towards the back of the car park. There's a lovely walk to Polkerris  (and beyond) along the path - the photo below was taken in July.

Here's a blog post on Polkerris: 
That's all for today. 
Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.


  1. I always enjoy seeing your walks around various beaches & especially harbours but this is rather different. It's very similar to our beach south of Cleethorpes at Humberston with the sand dunes, Marrum Grass & chalets/caravans. I was at the Humberston Fitties yesterday, pics to follow when I get time.
    Back to your beach, I'm pleased to see dogs are allowed ( hope they're owners are responsible and clear up after them). The chalets have some lovely locations and views what this beach has that the Fitties lacks is the rolling hills inland.
    Very enjoyable post Mike, take care. 😊 🐕 🐢

  2. Hello David, thanks. I have just looked up Fitties as I hadn't heard of this previously. The article I read states "The area has very little in the way of facilities, but this adds to its charm." As for dogs Par Beach seems quite clean, so most doggy people must be doing what they should. But it's not like that everywhere unfortunately. We have a strip of grass between the road and pavement and our front garden. I often have to clear away dog mess. This always annoys me. Any way trust all is well, take care.

    1. I think that sums it up quite well, it has an RSPB reserve adjacent to it but, apart from the Humber Mouth Yacht Club which is for members only, there are no facilities at all. There are two free car parks though that only a few visitors know about!
      When I was a kid the Fitties beach was lovely golden sands but over the years the saltmarsh from further along the coast has made it's way up and is now threatening to encroach onto the main holiday beach at Cleethorpes. 😊

    2. interesting David - thanks. I guess most things change - unfortunately in lots cases. Blue sky here today a so it's an afternoon mug of tea in the garden.




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