Showing posts with label Cove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cove. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 June 2024



Following on from my previous post, we are still on Cornwall's Lizard Peninsula. This time Visiting Kynance Cove, which is signposted on the A3083

The cove is a walk from the car park. The photo below shows the cove's cafe and it can be seen that it's a bit of a downward stretch from where the cars are parked.

There is  wheelchair access to the cafe. - no! not the route shown below!

We wandered towards the cove. It was a lovely sunshine day.

At last the sea comes into view, famed for its colour and white sand.

More sea and sand below.

The cafe is now in view. We had a coffee!

The next five photos are of the sea and beaches.

There was some work being carried out on the cliffs, presumably for safety reasons.

All in all  the visit to Kynance Cove was an  interesting walk and well worth the effort - and the sky stayed blue, as did the sea.

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.

Friday, 7 July 2023

Walking along Cornwall's Coastal Path to Polurrian Cove.

Another day, another cove on Cornwall's Lizard Peninsula. This time it is Polurrian Cove.

After parking our car in Mulli0n  we followed the coastal path - photos above and below.

There are lovely views from the path - as the following three photos show.

We eventually headed down the path to Polurrian Cove, which was a bit tricky in places. We could only see three other people on the beach.

Just before the path leading to the cove there is a solitary holiday home on the coastal path.

Needless to say Polurrian Cove has no facilities, so we sat on the rocks, with a sandwich, and enjoyed the peace.

The beach is a mixture of sand  and small stones when the tide is out. The sky looked lovely for awhile.

The only other people, on the beach, decided to move on, so we had the cove to ourselves. The cliffs are high and a hotel can be seen on the high point - see photo below.

I zoomed in to get a clearer look at the hotel.

After exploring the cove we made our way back to civilisation along the coastal path.

The clouds turned grey so we decided to retrace our steps back towards our car.

Near the end of our walk we passed a sign for the hotel we had spotted from the cove.

We had a quick peek at the hotel.

And so ends today's post.

Thanks for visiting my blog.
All good wishes ~ Mike

Here are two more Lizard Peninsula posts:





A short wander around the harbour at Mevagissey, Cornwall on a pleasant day. Lots of boats on display depending on the season, The name of M...