Showing posts with label Fowey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fowey. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 July 2024


 We had to make a short visit to Fowey so I snapped a few quick photos as we walked. The first two are views on the way from the Fowey car park into town.

We soon reached the colourful river Fowey.

A Water Taxi was returning to the quay.

A boat was nearly ready for a trip up the river.

We walked into the town via the 
Customs House Hill

It turned a bit rainy for a while, but soon stopped. We walked along the town to the car ferry which crosses the Fowey River. The large house on the opposite  side of the river was where Daphne du Maurier once lived. 

We had finished our reason for visiting Fowey and walked back through the town. More people about now.

That's all for t0day. Thanks for  visiting my blog ~ Mike.
There are other Fowey Posts on this blog - please use the search at the top of this blog.

Sunday, 7 May 2023

A Stroll Through Fowey, Cornwall With 30 Photos

Today I'm in Fowey (pronounced Foy). I wandered down the Esplanade and then into the town. I like this route as there are some lovely views over the Fowey River. 

I was lucky as the sky was mostly blue, though a bit changeable.

Looking backwards the open sea wasn't quite so blue.

As I continued walking everything looked  bright and colourful.

Good to see bluebells in one of the gardens.

Finally I was in the town by the Ship Inn.

On the quay people were gathering for boat trips or the ferry across the river to Polruan.

 Next is Isla, the Rook with a Book. Isla celebrates the author Daphne Du Maurier's legacy and her love of Fowey, where she lived. 

One of her books includes 'The Birds' which was adapted for Alfred Hitchcock's classic film of the same name. 

Isla was unveiled by Daphne's son and is on loan to the Town of Fowey.

Here's the small Polruan ferry.

A Border Force ship sails by.

 Boat trips along the river are available.

Small boats on the river.

I continued walking up Customs House Hill ...

... and passed by the small Albert Quay where Queen Victoria visited back in 1846.

I now reached the house from where Daphne du Maurier published her first novel: the large house with blue shutters.

The house is called Ferryside as it is next to the Fowey to Bodinnick car and passenger ferry as below.

Further along the river is from where local china clay is exported

I've now turned in the opposite direction to head to Fowey town. First though two photos of refreshment establishments.

There are cottages on the narrow road towards the town. This cottage is called Du Maurier Reach

More cottages and all is quiet.

I have now reached some of the town shops.

This colourful mural leads to a pub.

Back to boats and yachts near the quay.

I'm now heading back to the Esplanade, retracing my steps.

A large terrace of cottages which overlook the Fowey river.

After the cottages are views of the River Fowey looking across to Polruan.

To finish my stroll a glance at the river before returning to my car.

Thanks for visiting my blog

Friday, 6 May 2022

Walking by the River Fowey and Fowey Town, Cornwall

As we walked along the Esplanade at Fowey all was quiet and peaceful. A sailing boat made its way silently towards the sea.

As we reached the town there were a few people wandering about, mostly tourists. The chill in the air must have kept people indoors - though goodness knows why.

The quay was quiet and the ferry, which crosses the the river to Polruan, had very few passengers.

By the quay is the Marine Aquarium.

The cruise ship Ocean Nova was anchored on the opposite side of the river.

We walked along Fore Street passed The Lugger pub. The oldest pub in Fowey, however, is the Ship Inn which was built way back in 1570.

A few small boats moored on the river.

An abundance of flowers spill over the road just before Customs House Hill.

The road is narrow, very narrow, luckily it's one way traffic.

More of the river.

The photo below shows the car and passenger ferry which crosses the river to Bodinnick.

The house by the river, with blue shutters, I have mentioned in several posts. This is where Daphne du Maurier was living when her first book was published.

About turn as we return in the direction of Fowey Quay to devour a Cornish Pasty - mine  a veggie version.

 The church grass has been allowed to grow, which somehow makes it more inviting.

After consuming our pasties - okay plus a pastry and coffee we made our way back along the Esplanade to where our car is parked.

The cruise ship can be seen from the water's edge. Always a pleasure to visit Fowey whatever the season.

ANOTHER DAY - had a flying visit into St. Austell.

It was good to see flowers. The tulips seem to have lasted well.

YET ANOTHER DAY - My wife had a dentist appointment in Truro so, while she had her check-up, I walked to Truro's Victoria Park. I met a strange lady while on my way!

I passed the Cornwall Council building - note the languages are in English and Cornish.

The gardens are next to the County Courts.

Here I am in the park with the bandstand in the distance.

A water fountain and ...

... a close up of the traditional bandstand.

More water but only a trickle of a stream.

The viaduct is used by trains. Below is a pleasant walk through the trees.

A few of the mature trees look outwards to a view of the city.

As I wandered I came across this memorial, so a touch of sadness.

The gardens were originally created to commemorate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.

That's all I have time for so I head for the steps in the photo below I'll be back at the County Courts and can retrace my steps back to my wife's dentist - it seems all went okay.

Thanks for visiting my blog. All good wishes ~ Mike.

Here's a post of a lovely walk from Fowey: The Magical Hall Walk at Fowey Cornwall - With Lots of Photos
and also a May flower post : May Flowers In Cornwall



  On a drab, dull day I was in the town of St. Austell, Cornwall.  Having completed my business I decided a shortish walk was in order so I ...