Wednesday 6 May 2020

May Flowers In Cornwall

Here we are into May but, unfortunately, still in lockdown. But we have to look on the bright side. We have the May flowers to enjoy for example. Ah, but perhaps not as many to view this year as last year. The first two photos were taken in Victoria Gardens, Truro - so I won't be able to get there until lockdown is eased.

All of the photos on this post are from the month of May, 2019.

The next photos were snapped in the Lost Gardens of Heligan, which is also closed temporarily because of the coronavirus.

And it's the same with the next two photos of Charlestown, we shouldn't go there either to see the harbour and the old cottages.

Luckily five photos from my own garden, which is somewhere they can't stop us visiting!

The wild rhododendrons below are luckily opposite my house on the other side of the road.

Now we move on to six photos of Cornwall's Eden Project, which is also now closed.

I'm sure, though, we'll still see lots of plants and flowers.

There is much beauty everywhere if we have time to stop and stare.

A few more flower posts:

22 Cornwall Flower Photos

15 Photos of Flowers in Cornwall, England 

10 Photos of August Flowers and Colour In Our Garden In Cornwall


  1. So glad to see all of these gorgeous blossoms! You are correct that we need to look on the bright side and enjoy the beauty around us as well!

    1. Thanks Ann, hope you are managing the lockdown. It's the same routine here but we find lots to do. All good wishes.

  2. A wonderful set of flower pictures, very well photographed too. The images from Heligan & Eden are enjoyable but I'm equally impressed with the pics from your own garden, the big clump of Pansies is lovely. I also like the harbour scene from Charlestown, with the large area of flowers in the foreground. But what flowers are they?

  3. Hello David, I don't know what the Charlestown flowers are called - but they come back each year. The pansies are a small variety. Anyway, hope all is well - a Boris speech later today, will be interesting what he has to say about lockdown etc. Personally I think it has to continue for a few more weeks as there are still too many deaths.
    Take care.




  Charlestown today, the weather is somewhat changeable but there are quite a few visitors and boats about. The once fishermen...