Tuesday 26 February 2019

Padstow, Cornwall: Ghosts, Cornish Pasties, Fish & Chips And More

Abbey House on Padstow's North Quay, Cornwall

Following on from my Padstow Post - of the 24th of February  - a few random photos as I walked round the town.

The photo above is Abbey House on Padstow's North Quay. It is described by some as the oldest house in Cornwall. As far back as the days of Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603) it was being described as old! So, of course, it has a ghost ...

... the ghost who haunts Abbey House is said to be an Elizabethan lady. She is sad and alone and is often seen ascending the 15th century granite stairway from the cellar, as she silently makes her way along a passage which forms the oldest part of the house.

On a more cheerful note: a fish and chips shop below ...

Fish and Chips at Padstow, Cornwall

... and, if you are in Cornwall, there also has to be a Cornish Pasty shop.

Cornish Pasty shop in Padstow, Cornwall

The next photo is the Golden Lion pub and it "dates back to the 14th century and is the oldest inn in Padstow."

Golden Lion Pub, Padstow, Cornwall

Now we have Anchor Cottage, which is very difficult to miss - because of its bright colour.

Anchor Cottage, Padstow, Cornwall

The houses below face each other so you wouldn't want to fall out with the neighbours opposite. But there is somewhere to dry the washing.

Narrow lane of houses in Padstow, Cornwall

Houses in Church Street:

Houses in Church Street, Padstow, Cornwall

And that's about the end. These gravestones date from the early. 1830s.

Gravestones from the 1830s in Padstow, Cornwall


  1. Your photographs are a good advertisement for Cornwall along with your narrative. I can't say whether a Cornish Pasty would appeal time tho' as I'm vegatarian!
    I like the image between the houses with the washing hanging out.

    1. Hello David. Thank you. I'm a vegetarian too so no proper Cornish pasties for me either. My wife still likes them and eats meat - so I always have a vegetable pasty.

  2. love your snippets of information just enough to tempt and beguile!

    1. Thank you Christine - what a wonderful day it has been today (Wed). Popped down to Mylor - it was beautiful!




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