Wednesday 27 February 2019

Thirteen February Photos of The Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

Rhododendrons at The Lost Gardens of Heligan

Monday was a wonderful day, with blue sky and sunshine, supposedly one of the hottest February days on record. So we went along to The Lost Gardens of Heligan - again - and I snapped a few photos as we walked. Starting off with the rhododendrons.

Rhododendrons at Heligan, Cornwall

Rhubarb at Heligan, Cornwall

A few sacks of mushrooms were hidden away from the daylight and looked very tempting.

Mushrooms growing at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

The Head Gardeners Office was snug and warm with a real log fire burning away. This is how it would have looked prior to 1914.

Head Gardeners Office at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

More territory awaiting planting, this will be full of flowers in the summer months.

Area waiting to be planted at Heligan Gardens, Cornwall

The Sundial garden could also do with some colour - always looks special during the summer months.

Sun Dial Garden at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

And then we head off to the green, green fields of Heligan.

Green fields at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

More greenery but many of the trees are still without leaves at the present time.

Green field at Heligan Gardens, Cornwall

Now some water. Firstly a lake and then ...

Lake at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

... more water in the jungle! A few goldfish spotted in the depths.

Jungle at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

And now it's snooze time, at least for the pigs.

Sleeping pigs at the Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

Finally, back to the rhododendrons. The Lost Gardens of Heligan cover some 200 acres so there is much to discover.

Rhododendrons at Heligan, Cornwall

I have written a previous post on Heligan, with photos, which can be seen on Lost Gardens of Heligan in Winter


  1. I hope that your Springtime comes quickly so you won't feel fooled by this gorgeous, warm weather! And soon those master gardeners will be very busy. I am always amazed when visiting botanical gardens at how few people we see actually working in the gardens and yet everything looks so perfect without a weed in sight. I know that this is one of your favorite places and I always enjoy your photos of it, in all seasons. Those pigs look very content in the sunshine! Great pictures, Mike!

    1. Thanks Ann. Our weather is sadly on the change, storms expected from tomorrow. On Wednesday we had the hottest temperatures on record for February - there's always a price to pay. Nature seems to balance out.




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