Monday, 22 April 2019

A Shiver Down The Spine At Kings Wood Where The Ghosts Walk - Perhaps!

Kings Wood, Pentewan, Cornwall

Walking in the ancient Kings Wood, Pentewan, Cornwall is following a well trodden path for hundreds of years. After walking for a while there is a sign asking: "Did you feel a little shiver just now?" They are not talking about any coldness from the weather - but more ghostly things!

Kings Wood, Pentewan, Cornwall

Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster, Lord Ordainer (1278-1322) and one of the most powerful men in England is believed to have owed Kings Wood. 

He was the cousin of Edward the Second and led the barons' revolt against the King in 1332, but was defeated at the Battle of Boroughbridge. On March 22nd of the same year Thomas was found guilty of treason and beheaded. 

Maybe he now pops back, head under his arm, to his old stomping ground and frequents the paths that he once owned. 

Kings Wood, Cornwall

The woods have some very old medieval Cornish stone walls. These marked ownership boundaries and also controlled any livestock. 

Old stone wall by Kings Wood, Pentewan, Cornwall

Note the coping stones at the top of the walls.
Kings wood was hunted in the 1300s to keep the the grand houses of the aristocracy supplied with venison. The huntsmen didn't want their quarry escaping - so the coping stones were turned inwards to stop the hapless prey jumping the wall to freedom.

Kings Woods, Pentewan, Cornwall

I'm sure I felt a shiver down my spine as I walked. I have read (I read some strange books!) that a shiver can be a direct sign from a spirit guide or angel indicating that they are reaching out to you, with a message. I knew I should have worn a warmer jacket - my wife did warn me, but would I listen ...

Kings Wood, Pentewan, Cornwall


  1. You are a very brave soul on your walks😊! And I guess I’d avoid the area after dark! It is a great history and that wall does look positively ancient. It is fun to imagine the life and times during the building of it. Delightful post, very entertaining as usual.

    1. Hello Ann, thank you. What a different world it must have been all of those years ago, what with beheadings, civil wars and the like. Hope you have had a great time on your travels.

  2. Oooo put a shiver down my spine and I'm not even there! All good stuff thank you. Kaz

  3. You all interestingly told and shown Wishing you a good start to the new week!

    1. Hello Grigoriy. All best wishes, hope the world is treating you kindly.

  4. I visited last night and got some good paranormal results




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