Monday 1 April 2019

Stepping Back In Time At Charlestown

Charlestown, Cornwall in sepia

I often seem to be saying that visiting the harbour at Charlestown, Cornwall 'is like stepping back in time'. So I thought I would do a few photos in sepia to see if the harbour does indeed look very 'olde worlde'.
The old tall sailing ships in dock at Charlestown certainly give the look of days gone by, as do the old narrow stone steps down to the bottom of the harbour - useful as the harbour is tidal so the water level varies.

Charlestown, Cornwall, in sepia
It's always interesting to see the tall ships. One of those in dock was used for scenes in the Poldark television series.
Old stone steps at the harbour, Charlestown, Cornwall
And, I guess, if Charlestown is like like stepping back in time, it has to include any secret piskey (Cornish pixies) homes as well.

Piskey or Pixie House at Charlestown, Cornwall

Other Charlestown Posts:
Charlestown Harbour On A Sunshine Morning
Walking The Beach at Charlestown. Cornwall
The Cave on Charlestown Beach, Cornwall


  1. Your sepia toning certainly adds an atmosphere of looking back intime, of cause the tall ships help.

    1. Thanks David. As it was my wife's birthday we went to the Pier House at Charlestown for a family meal - quite atmospheric in the evenings.

  2. You had me fooled thinking these were old photos! Very convincing and interesting!

    1. Thank you Ann, not a lot changes at Charlestown, though the Peir House has had a lick of paint.




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