Tuesday 8 October 2019

Walking From Sunny Corner on the Truro River at Truro, Cornwall

Sunny Corner on the Truro River, Cornwall

It was a rough old week weather-wise but on Wednesday it eventually stopped. This was fortunate for me as my wife had an appointment in Truro, so I had some free time.

After dropping her off I wandered about starting off at  Sunny Corner on the Truro River - as per the photo above.

The river is tidal so looks very muddy when the tide is out. It's completely different at high tide when there is a lovely boat trip along the river to Falmouth, starting at Truro Quay.

I wandered into Truro city but took the back streets. So it's a back street  photo of some of the houses - showing a river with high walls each side to protect the properties.

The backs of houses and the river in Truro, Cornwall

I made my way into Victoria Gardens and ...

Victoria Gardens in Truro, Cornwall

… saw this monster basking in a moment of sunshine. He seemed a fun guy.

A large Funghi in Victoria Gardens, Cornwall

There was a much more attractive funghi hidden amongst the fallen leaves.

Coloured funghi in Victoria Gardens, Truro, Cornwall

A memorial seat / bench with flowers.

Memorial seat or bench with flowers in Victoria Park, Truro, Cornwall

Lots of red berries to keep the birds happy ...

Red berries in Victoria Park, Cornwall

though most of the flowers were past their best.

Pink flowers in Victoria Gardens, Cornwall

Tall trees as I left the gardens to retrace my steps.

Tall trees in Victoria Park, Cornwall

I went via Boscawen Park, which eventually lead me back to ...

… Sunny Corner on the Truro River. Though it didn't feel particularly sunny. A pleasant walk though.

Sunny Corner, Truro River, Truro, Cornwall

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