Saturday 5 October 2019

Eating Apples From an Apple Tree Grown From A Pip

Apples grown from seed.

In early June I published a post Growing An Apple Tree From A Pip. At the time my wife was excited because 'her' apple tree had flowers and then small apples.

Okay, many people have apple trees but this one was different as it was grown from an apple pip. 

It had taken eight years to get to this stage but no one we knew seemed to believe this could be done and, yes, I was a bit of a sceptic too. But this year my wife has been proven right.

Apple tree grown from a pip

The tree has about thirty apples and this morning we picked the first one. I've probably seen better looking apples but, as is often said, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

We devoured the first apple from our garden and have lived to tell the tale.

Apple grown from a pip

To think that at the beginning of the year I had threatened to dig up the apple tree.

Apple grown from a pip

Such is life: with belief all things are possible - well probably!

So what is the secret of growing an apple tree from a pip? Erm, well all my wife did was to pop one pip into a small pot of compost. When it started to grow, and was a fair size, this was planted in the garden in a flower bed and, well, that was it. Eight years later - apples!


  1. Such a satisfying outcome for this project and your still life images show the apples in an interesting way. You say, after eating an apple, that you lived to tell the tale but not now it tasted, or if it was enjoyable.

    1. The apple was a little sharp in flavour but edible. We have now picked all of the apples - there were 28 in total. My wife will use some of them - she makes a tasty apple cake. The actual pip came from an apple on a neighbours tree. He used to give us a bag of apples every year. Unfortunately he has now moved away and the people who bought the house aren't as obliging.




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