Thursday, 27 February 2020

A Magical Walk Along the Gover Valley, St.Austell, Cornwall

Gover Valley, St.Austell, Cornwall

It was a dull day, drizzly at times, but I decided to take a wander along the Gover Valley in St.Austell. I have previously published a post, with 33 photos, of a walk based on the valley - there's a link at the end of this post.

Gover Valley daffodils, Cornwall

A few daffodils brightened the day as did the Gover Stream, which feeds into the St.Austell River, as it is called locally, but is shown on maps as the River Vinnick.

Gover Stream, Gover Valley, Cornwall

Another name often used for the stream is the White River, because it can become coloured by local china clay.

Gover Valley, Cornwall, old buildings

Along the Gover Valley are remnants left over from the china clay industry.

Gover Valley, river, trees and moss.

Alongside the river is the occasional house, like this one, almost hidden amongst the trees.

House hidden away in Gover Valley, Cornwall

Being a valley it is often shaded from the sun so can be quite damp. 

Stream in Gover Valley, Cornwall

The dampness encourages mosses to grow by the Gover Stream.

Stream in Gover Valley, St.Austell Cornwall

The moss, combined with the tinkling water, can create a magical moment. It's easy to think of this as a home for the elves and fairies - or perhaps that's just my imagination.

But, whatever, the greenness that abounds at this time of year has an attractive quality.

Stream in Gover Valley, St.Austell, Cornwall

A Public Footpath sign shows a way up the side of the valley for those so inclined.

Public Footpath and bridge in Gover Valley, St.Austell, Cornwall

There's a bridge over the stream and a few steps have been made to assist the little people and us humans on their way.

Footpath and steps in Gover Valley, Cornwall

I chose to continue walking along the valley itself, some gorse made a change from the greenness, it seemed to bring everything more alive.

Yellow gorse in Gover Valley, Cornwall

On my return along the valley an old gate was struggling to protect access to an open field.

Gate, Gover Road, St.Austell, Cornwall

Delicate colour with a few primroses nestled by the edge of the road, next to a puddle from the drizzle.

Primroses on the road side in Gover rd., St.Austell, Cornwall

Then all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils.

Please also see:
33 Photos: A Circular Walk Based On Gover Valley, St.Austell, Cornwall

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful. I also have a wonderful video taken by my late husband in 2005 taking old forgotten pathways. He found water voles and a large animal jumped out of a tree in front of him!!! Faeries, elves and pinkies a definitely magical place. Yet it is not protected!
    A family of otters abound I. The river with a plentiful,supply of fish., dippers and I have seen a kingfisher.




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