Monday 6 April 2020

A Lockdown Walk in Cornwall, Plus Looking Back At a Sandy Beach

It's lockdown, because of the coronavirus so, like everyone else in the UK, can only walk from home.

We feel lucky though as we can wander along some interesting roads - under the train viaduct and past an old roadside marker.

There is even a small river to keep us company.

Trees to the right and a mound in the background.

The river keeps rolling along playing it's magical tune.

Oh dear, that spoils the moment - a dumped vehicle from long ago. I can never comprehend how / why this happens.

A look inside. No, definitely can't drive it away!

We continued walking for quite a while but unfortunately not to the beaches which are now out of bounds.

Below is the beach at Carlyon Bay on an early morning visit a while back, before the virus got a hold.

Another photo looking in the opposite direction from the beach.

It appears the lockdown could well last for six months. The restrictions are a nuisance but the health of everyone is more important

Thanks for visiting my blog. The search button towards the top right of this blog will give access to many Cornish beaches and villages. Stay safe.


  1. A lovely riverside walk, reminds me of similar walks in the Lake District. Strange to see a Cordaline on the bank.of the stream.

  2. Thanks David. The Cordyline was planted by a nearby house. Hope you are managing the isolation. Take care.

  3. Delightful walk! Today the sun, the Sweet William, the Lady Ferns and the Bleeding Hearts started to bloom. I am grateful! Have a good week and continue to be safe.

    1. Thanks Ann. Difficult times but, as you write, we have much to be grateful for. As we walk from home there are now many primroses and primulas growing wild and bright yellow gorse in abundance. Plants and flowers certainly lift the spirits.
      Good wishes, stay safe.




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