Friday 3 April 2020

Walking the Streets and Roads Near St.Austell, Cornwall

St.Austell, Cornwall

The world has changed, the cars have nearly disappeared and we are having to self isolate because of coronavirus - but at home and not on some deserted beach. We have to comply with the regulations and walk local to where we live.

The first three photos today show how the once busy roads are virtually empty. I did mess about with the top photo but the others are for real.

A390 near St.Austell

Above shows the normally busy A390 looking towards St. Austell and below looking in the  Truro direction. Not a car in sight, quite creepy!

A390 looking west in Truro direction, Cornwall

It's even creepier when out walking and you see such signs! No Trespassing. We're Tired of Hiding the Bodies. 

Funny Warning Notice, Cornwall

A few palm trees by the A390.

Palm trees seen from A390, Cornwall

There's always something to appreciate even on restricted walks, simple hedgerow flowers for instance ...

Flowers in the hedgerows, Cornwall

… or some daffodils roaming free.

Daffodils, Cornwall

Thanks for visiting my blog - stay healthy and happy.


  1. Lovely flower pictures Mike. That sign looks creepy! Reminds me of one near the lake I fish at which says "trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again"! 😮

    1. Thanks David.These are strange times - a sense of humour helps.




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