Friday 14 October 2022


Portmellon, Cornwall, UK

Today a walk from Portmellon along the coastal path towards Gorran Haven. The weather wasn't particularly too kind to us.

The first two photos show the sea at Portmellon, which is just along from Mevagissey. 

In the sea at Portmellon, Cornwall

We parked our car in a side road at Portmellon and walked to the start of the coastal path - up a long hill, of course!

Once on the actual coast path there were some lovely views, though a little muted because of the hazy weather.

Looking from coastal path towards Portmellon and Mevagissey

The coastal path is quite narrow in places but easy to walk - lots of greenery on display.

Coastal Path from Portmellon, Cornwall

The next section of the walk was straight across a field leading to Chapel Point headland - the yellow arrow showed the way.

Public footpath sign at Portmellon

On Chapel Point there is a wonderful property - a very special house - you can just see the building in the photo below.

Chapel Point House is Grade II Listed and was designed by the renowned Arts and Crafts architect, John Campbell in 1936. The property has been featured in several publications over the years and is reported to have been the subject of a novel by Daphne du Maurier.

Looking out at the cove near Chapel Point.

Small cove on coastal path between Portmellon and Goran Haven, Cornwall

Now it's a walk downhill, on the coast path, to sea level where there is a boathouse.

Coastal Path between Portmellon and Goran Haven

The boathouse belongs to the house on Chapel Point.

Boathouse by the sea, Cornwall

Continuing on the walk there are green fields inland and a few sheep. 

Sheep on the green fields, Cornwall

Below is looking back at the cove and shows the coastal path walked so far.

Cove on Cornwall's coastal path

We now reach Bodrugans Leap and, of course, there is a story to be told! The story varies but the outcome is the same.

Sir Henry Bodrugan was a powerful Cornish land owner and a High Sheriff of Cornwall. Some say he was also a pirate and thief but, whatever, back in 1487, he was being chased by Sir Richard Edgcumbe and associates for claims of treason.

Bodrugan made for the cliffs south of St. Austell. His only escape was to leap off the cliffs, probably with his horse, at Turbot Point.  With or without his horse a boat was waiting for him, which ferried him across the English Channel to safety.

Bodrugan's Leap, Cornwall near Goran Haven

The terrain gradually becomes more rugged.

Rugged rocks and tide along the coatsal path

There is a seat for those who may wish to contemplate the sea.

Bench seat on coastal path near Goran Haven

The path became quite steep.

Looking out to sea, Cornwall

It was interesting to watch the sea and the waves crashing onto the rocks.

Coastal path from Portmellon, Cornwall

Unfortunately we could feel that the weather was about to take a turn for the worse.


We decided to make our way back to Portmellon, but did stop to watch a seal in the sea. I couldn't get a decent photo but there's a small black dot in the photo below - that's the seal!

Seal in the sea!

The next two photos show how everything was getting less and less clear ...

Weather on the change, getting misty at Portmellon, Cornwall

... the views were gradually disappearing.

Misty or hazy over the sea, Cornwall

We got back to Portmellon, and the sea was crashing onto the road!

Portmellon road covered in sea water

Our car was just round the corner from here, so we made a run for it - though I did manage to snap a couple more photos.

Big waves at Port Mellon, Cornwall

Our car was fine and dry, but we did have to drive along the wet stretch of road. We managed to dodge the waves - so all was well, and we'd had an interesting walk.

Big sea waves at Port Mellon, Cornwall

So, that's all for now. Enjoy the weekend and the week ahead.
All good wishes ~Mike.


  1. D

    Hi Mike, the weather might have been unfavourable but your photo's are very dramatic, especially the last ones of te crashing waves. The story of Bodrugans Leap is intriguing, Cornwall seems to have an abundance of myths & legends. Take care. 😊

  2. Hello David, so good to 'see' you again, trust you are slowly on the mend. All best wishes, take care too.

  3. A fabulous walk, Mike. I enjoyed the virtual hike! It was good to see some good Cornish mist. Those wave shots are great!

    1. Many thanks, unfortunately the mist took over, but such is the weather in Cornwall. All good wishes.

  4. Hello Mike, interesting to hear of the daring escape behind the name Bodrugan's Leap. Sounds like you did well to to dodge the crashing waves too :0 I need a cup of tea after seeing that! :) x




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