Monday, 17 July 2023

Flowers In My Garden In Cornwall

Haven't been able to get out and about this week so a few flowers from our garden. Actually, the flower below is trying to escape from next doors' garden but is very welcome.

Tucked away next to the bird house

A geranium, who doesn't seem to mind if I sometimes forget to give it water.

Hydrangeas, so easy to grow. This one is in a biggish container. I heard a saying which said
that  Hydrangeas are like happiness in bloom. Not sure about that but they fill a space.

I think this must be some sort of geranium.

Yes, it was very dry when I snapped the next photo, but they were still smiling.

And then the wind blew ...

Next, a cluster of colour leaning happily on Cornish stone

A dahlia, this one comes back year after year

Looks like the next dahlia is off for a walk as the sun goes down.

A fuchsia, so perfect I had to have a closer look. I can understand why Claude Monet said, "I must have flowers, always and always I must have flowers." 

And to finish off with some sunshine, well sort of.

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.

Here's another garden type post:


  1. I would say that you are growing the flowers that Monet would love! These are all lovely. I’ve been waiting nearly a year for a hydrangea to bloom. They are not too fond of the summer heat here. There is nothing like a blooming garden to boost a grey day. I hope you are enjoying a great summer. As always, Ann K.

  2. Hello Ann, always good to hear from you. There are hydrangeas everywhere at the moment. Along the road where we live there is a stretch of various hydrangeas and colours next to the narrow road, it looks a lovely. I must remember to take a photo. Trust all is well, good wishes.

  3. Well your garden is bustling with wonderful flowers Mike. I particularly like the cactus Dahlia. I only have one blooming at the moment, but the others are gearing up for a show.The fuchsias really are exquisite. I hope that you are keeping well. Lulu :) x

    1. The rain has spoilt a couple of the dahlias but there are lots more buds to follow. Thanks Lulu




A short wander around the harbour at Mevagissey, Cornwall on a pleasant day. Lots of boats on display depending on the season, The name of M...