Sunday 17 February 2019

The Lesser Known Vault Beach Cornwall

Vault Beach, Cornwall
We made our way on the coast path from Gorran Haven to Vault Beach - sometimes also referred to as Bow Beach. Getting to the actual beach is a bit of a chore as it is a long way down a wiggly path from on high. But it's nice and sheltered when you finally get to the sand. Needless to say that there are no facilities - no toilets, lifeguards, gift shops, refreshments etc. which is quite relaxing!
Vault or Bow Beach, Cornwall
At times the sea around Cornwall can have such lovely shades of blue - but it can also get quite murky at times. It's all down to the weather! While we were there it was a magical colour - at least for a while.
Bow Beach, Cornwall
Ah yes, before I forget, I'd better mention that the far end of the beach is a naturist or nudist area. On sunshine days there may well be a selection of bodies in the altogether splashing about in the water or laying prone on the sand. Not always a pretty sight!
Vault Beach, Cornwall
From the top of the cliffs the view looks different when looking west. While we were there a dark cloud started to form and down came the rain! This doesn't always happen, of course.

So, instead of walking back along the coast path we walked to the top of the hill and meandered down the very narrow road to Gorran Haven.

A narrowlane in Gorran Haen


  1. The lack of facilties, toilets etc. is a plus point & the reason the beach would appeal to me. Not sure about the naturist s though! Great set of images, enjoyed the tour.

    1. Thanks David, agree entirely, I like the quiet beaches. As for the naturists they stay to one end of the long beach - it could be a shock though if anyone isn't aware of them!

  2. I have spent many a happy day on Vault beach and it is one of my favourites. The long walk back along the beach and up the hill when you are tired and hot is not for the faint hearted!

    1. Hello, thanks for leaving a comment. Yes, I've done the trip down and then up from Vault beeach many times - you need to be quite steady on your feet! Good wishes.

  3. Sure I read that the Spanish Armada anchored at Vault beach the night before going into battle, that would have been an amazing sight!

    1. Haven't heard about the Spanish Armada connection - I'll have to do a search - thanks!




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