Tuesday 7 January 2020

Walking The Cornish Lanes Looking for January Flowers and Other Things of Interest

February flowers in Cornwall's hedgerows.

'Twas a dull morning, a little drizzly, but I always feel I need a walk so we decided to head for the lanes near Trenance, St.Austell. There's rarely any traffic and perhaps I would see some colour in the hedgerows.

Well I did find some flowers as can be seen by my photo above. Yes, they are daffodils - very early, even for Cornwall.

Raining in St.Austell

It sure looked like rain!

Looking across the countryside in Cornwall on a misty day

Gradually the greyness lifted and it was possible to look across the fields. The view would have been a better if the hedgerows weren't quite so high.

Looking across Cornish fields

Yes, the grey must have been frightened away as the sky turned blue. There's a wind turbine in the distance.

Looking across fields in Cornwall

This is/was china clay country as can be seen below. The hill is made from the spoils of the china clay industry. Nature has taken over and made the scene quite pleasant.

China clay spoils in Cornwall

It started getting dull again. That's Cornwall for you, travel a short distance and the weather can be quite different.

Farmer's field, Cornwall near St.Austell

Water was gushing onto the road from the recent heavy rain ...

Running water from fields in Cornwall after heavy rain

… and joined a small river ...

Rivulet in Cornwall

… which gradually became wider.

St.Austell River, Cornwall

We then came to the bridge across the Trenance Road built in 1859.

Old bridge in Cornwall, 1859

Actually there are two bridges as can be seen in the photo below. The second bridge was built in 1899.

Railway bridge, 1899, in St.Austell, Cornwall

Trains thunder across the Gover Valley via the bridge and also a viaduct. This is used by trains travelling from London Paddington to Penzance and vice versa.

Railway bridge in Cornwall dating back to 1899

From here we followed a footpath to take us down to the valley.

Footpath in St.Austell, Cornwall

Looking south are houses and the block of flats - the only high rise flats in Cornwall - I mentioned in a previous post

High rise flats in Cornwall

That's it for today - keep on walking!

See also: 

33 Photos: A Circular Walk Based On Gover Valley, St.Austell, Cornwall


  1. Good to see your early flowers, something for us to look forward to. It's always interesting.to observe how nature colonised areas that are left alone like the clay spoil heaps. Interesting post with a variety of weather changes.

    1. Thanks David. Some of the old china clay pits are quite attractive now where nature has taken over. Some have lakes of colourful water.
      We have had so much rain and dull days - and today looks like it's going to be the same!

  2. These photos are so gorgeous! You live in a stunning and beautiful area, Mike!

    1. Thanks Trish, Cornwall gets lots of visitors in the Summer months - mainly for the beaches and the small fishing villages.




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