Tuesday 31 March 2020

Beautiful Flowers in Cornwall

A few floral photos today. The first three are flowers my wife received on UK Mother's Day along with a couple of gifts. All were very lovely but, because of self isolating, she really missed having a hug as well because of the dreaded virus.

On an (isolated) walk we saw these yellow gorse behind bars. Some sort of metaphor perhaps.

Ah, yes, below is the view from my front door - with a little bit of camera jiggery-pokery.

I levelled the top of our azalea bush (below) with the trees on the opposite side of the road when taking the photo. The trees are a little threadbare at the moment but will no doubt be full of life soon.

Not too sure what these plants are called - seen when out and about - but they are very pretty in their own way.

Some delicate laurel.

And more laurel, this time hanging over a local river,

Finally a magnolia, perhaps not at its best now but has had a lovely display. Many thanks for visiting my blog.

Also see: 22 Cornwall Flower Photos

Saturday 28 March 2020

Walking Along Spit Beach, Cornwall

Spit Beach, Cornwall

Another walk along a beach - and without seeing anyone else. This is Spit Beach but, as I have said on a previous post, this is far from being my favourite. In saying that it was a sunny, blue sky March day so we felt quite happy on the beach and looking over the rocks and pools.

Spit Beach, Cornwall

The tide was out so we could reach parts not normally seen at high tide.

Small cave at Spit Beach, Cornwall

Lots of rock pools but I didn't find anything particularly interesting - though the sun dazzled the water in the photo below.

Rock Pool at Spit Beach, Cornwall

Some cliffs ...

Cliffs at Spit Beach, Cornwall

… and yet more cliffs. I think that the cliff below looks somewhat like a lion's head - or maybe not!

Cliffs at Spit Beach, Cornwall

An archway in the cliffs to run through if so inclined - walking is also allowed.

Cliffes, Spit Beach, Cornwall

Finally we retrace our steps back along the beach. Still nobody else about.

Spit Beach, Cornwall

A view looking over the beach to the Carlyon Bay Golf Course. Not a golfer in sight, of course, because of the coronavirus.

Spit Beach, Cornwall

At this end of the beach there is an old World War 2 lookout building. It's in poor repair and even the graffiti is poor!

WW2 look-out post at Spit Beach

Walking back to the car we pass the golf course.

Carlyin Bay Golf Course, Cornwall

Also see:
What The Low Tide Reveals at Spit Beach, Cornwall - 16 Photos

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Walking Along the Beach at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

Fresh air at Carlyon Bay for today's effort to stave off the coronavirus.

It's a long sandy beach - well sort of. The actual sand is quite gritty to the touch. There is a reason for this. Some of it is  the remains of waste from previous tin and china clay industries.

The local dogs don't seem to mind, nor do most visitors.

At the far end of the beach are rocks and the sand was untouched. There's always something pleasing about being the first to make a footprint.

It was a bit of a chilly day and the sea was beginning to get a little rougher than usual.

Lots of shells on the rocks.

It's interesting to see the different patterns and shapes on the rocks.

The barrel below was washed ashore. I recently found a similar one on a different beach. They both appeared empty and must have been in the sea for quite a period judging by the seaweed and other attachments.

We started to make our way back to our car ...

… walking past Crinnis Rock.

On the way back I found this bundle made up of shells, bits and pieces and plastic. Plastic sadly seems to get everywhere.

Looking forward to lunch!

Sunday 22 March 2020

Walking the Beach and Lake at Par Sands, Cornwall

Par Beach, Cornwall

The Coronavirus seems to be controlling our lives at the moment, so we thought we would visit various different beaches to get some healthy sea air in our lungs. There's plenty of room so we won't invade anyone else's space.

A sandy cove at Par Beach, Cornwall

The photos today are from a walk along Par beach. The tide was out so there was an expanse of damp sand.

Unexpectedly there was a gathering of mothers, or perhaps a nursery group (above) with some children tucked away in a cove.
There aren't many shells on the beach at Par, but I always seem compelled to examine any I do see.

A sea shell found on Par Sands, Cornwall

We walked the full length of the beach and looking back noticed several people also walking - but mostly with their dogs.

Par Beach - Sands, Cornwall

We continued past the china clay works ...

China Clay Works by Par Sands, Cornwall

… and onto the Par Sands Caravan Park. There was no one else about. Years ago we owned a couple of caravans here that we rented out to holiday makers - was a fun time.

Holiday Caravans at Par Sands, Cornwall

The caravan park is now much altered and improved ...

Palm Tree and Centre Piece at Par Sands, Cornwall

… but there is still a china clay private road to cross if walking to Par itself.

Signs at Par Sands, Cornwall

After walking through the caravan park we reached the small lake.

Lake at Par Beach, Cornwall

Quite a few swans and ducks in residence and also noisy geese aided by seagulls. They all get very excited if someone wants to feed them.

Swan at Par Beach, Cornwall

It's quite a pleasant lake and in the summer months is a magnet for children, though paddling or swimming aren't allowed.

Lake at Par Sands, Cornwall

A couple more photos of the lake, watch out for the deep water!

Lake at Par Beach, Cornwall

Lake at Par Sands, Cornwall

I noticed a couple feeding the ducks almost hidden away under a tree. Not completely sure why I didn't post this photo in colour but, somehow, it seemed an old fashioned moment. I can remember in my childhood feeding the ducks with my parents, such excitement. It would be so nice to be able to do that once more but life, sometimes sadly, moves on.

Feeding ducks at Par Sands

Thursday 19 March 2020

On Tour: Visiting Cheddar Gorge

Today my post is from outside of Cornwall. The photos are all of Somerset's wonderful Cheddar Gorge, which is just outside of the village of the same name. 

After driving through the Gorge - the exposed rocks are carboniferous limestone - we found somewhere to park the car. 

We headed to a trail which would take us to the top part of the gorge. The photo is looking back down after being about halfway up - if that makes sense!

We reached the top but, looking at the next photo it seemed all the other walkers were on the other side of the gorge. Good to be different though.

Lovely views and no one else about ...

… other than a few goats meandering about. I understand they are encouraged as this helps to keep the scrub under control.

Cheddar is the largest gorge in the UK. It rises to 449 feet high. I guess it's okay to use 'proper' measurements now we have Brexit! Okay, that's 137m.

While walking we came across a training session for mountain rescue …  

… their vehicles were parked in a field.

A bit of technical stuff: The gorge was formed by meltwater floods during the cold periglacial periods which have occurred over the last 1.2 million years. 

During the ice ages permafrost blocked the caves with ice and frozen mud and made the limestone impermeable. 

When this melted during the summers, water was forced to flow on the surface, and carved out the gorge.

There's one fascinating fact about one of the caves in the gorge. This is where Britain's oldest complete skeleton - known as Cheddar Man - was found in 1903.

It is estimated that the skeleton was over 9,000 years old. Wouldn't it be something to travel back in time to see how Cheddar Man lived?

There have been settlements here since Neolithic times. Quite mind boggling - it's a funny old world!

I guess you can't mention Cheddar without mentioning Cheddar cheese, which was first made in Cheddar way back in the 12th century. It's my favourite cheese - proper Cheddar that is, not some of the so called copies. Cheddar cheese traditionally had to be made within 30 miles of Wells Cathedral, but times change.

Here's another 'On Tour' post:
On Tour: Visiting Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury Tor and King Arthur



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...