Saturday 29 August 2020

Cornwall Flowers, Rabbits, Church and Trains

At the time of writing this it has been bucketing down with rain and there are high winds. This has meant that our walks have been decidedly curtailed.

Anyway, still a few photos of sorts. The pansies above have seeded themselves even though there is limited soil. They are thriving and I like the markings on the petals. Small but perfectly formed.

The geranium is from a container in our front garden. 

And now for something different - rabbits! My son, family and dog have been away, so we have been in charge of looking after Precious and Bernard plus the cat. They love their food and are all very friendly.

We walked through a local town centre and I saw that 2021 calendars are now for sale. Why?! Before we know it they will be pushing Christmas as well. The world has gone mad and not just because of the coronavirus.

Anyway, I walked through the backstreets of St. Austell. The church is always prominent.

There was a white dove sitting peacefully by the Market House.

I then reached the station. Was glad that the girl going down the steps made the train on time as it pulled to a stop by the platform.

Can just see the train through the railings - was on its way to Paddington, London.

This is the tail end of the train!

The church was still in view, with the union flag fluttering in the wind. Always good to see.

Below is a tree carving seen in a garden. Have no idea what it signifies. Looks very well done though.

Walking back through St. Austell town a sheltered, colourful display to brighten the day.

And from my garden a yellow gladioli which was toppled by the wind.

Puddles, which sum up the last few days. This is where we often walk and did so despite the rain. Got a bit wet, even with a large umbrella.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Here's a couple of Cornwall beach posts:

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