Monday, 31 August 2020

Newquay, Cornwall : Beaches & Sand Galore

Photos today are of Newquay, one of the most popular holiday resorts in Cornwall. The population of the town  is only around 21,000 but this zooms up to around 100,000 in the major holiday season. Considered England's surfing capital it can get very busy. Luckily there are many beaches to choose from.

Today's photos show a short stretch of the coastline walking from Newquay's small harbour.

This is Cornwall's Atlantic coast and it's fascinating to see the changing colours of the sea. These can range from a blue-green, through blue but sometimes can be quite brownish when the weather isn't feeling too friendly.

Towan Island always fascinates me. The only access to the house is over the slender bridge and the island is surrounded by water at high tide. The house is available to holiday makers - at a price - see here. 

Looking back from near the Towan Island.
The following photos  follow the coastline.
A few beach huts with hotels and flats above.
As you continue walking the sea and beach appear are below.
Looking down from the path, the people seem quite small.
Another view from on high.
Lots of sand at Lusty Glaze.
A bridge so that walkers can reach the headland.
Lovely scenery.
So many beaches at Newquay and all have a differing character.
Other Newquay Posts include:


  1. Lovely to see the coastal path and beaches but I have to admit, it's harbours and boats that I enjoy best. That house on the little island is fascinating.

    1. Hello David, we like to wander around harbours as well but tend to stay away from them at the moment. There seems to have been lots of visitors about. Should get less people after this week once the Bank Holiday is over.




  On a drab, dull day I was in the town of St. Austell, Cornwall.  Having completed my business I decided a shortish walk was in order so I ...