Friday 27 January 2023


We had a walk, or perhaps it was more like a stroll, along part of the Pentewan Valley Trail. This stretches from St. Austell to the sea at Pentewan.

It was damp under foot but very pleasant otherwise. We walked alongside the small St. Austell River which is also known, by some, as the Vinnick River or the White River.

Part of the walk veered through an attractive wood, with fallen leaves underfoot.

It had been raining a heck of a lot, so much water lingered either side of the path.

The trees and reflections made some confusing views.

The trail ended for us at Pentewan harbour. The photo below shows the sluice gate built in 1872. This  controlled the water used to flush out the harbour basin. 

A few more small trees and quite a lot of water.

And then we reached the land locked harbour at Pentewan.

From here we retraced our steps alongside the river.

I guess we walked about three miles. So nothing too strenuous. It's always uplifting though to get out in the fresh air and amongst trees and nature.

Footnote: The Pentewan Trail was once the route of a railway which travelled from St. Austell to Pentewan Harbour transporting china clay. I mentioned this at the end of my blog post AFTERNOON TEA & OTHER MEANDERINGS

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike. 

Friday 20 January 2023


As I stumbled downstairs, bleary eyed, to make the first pot of tea for the day I noticed the early daffodils on the kitchen windowsill.

As my eyes adjusted to the light I looked out of the window and there it was: snow! Who'd have thought it? We rarely get the white stuff in the part of Cornwall where I live. I grabbed my camera, crept out into the garden, and took a few quick photos. It was a decidedly  chilly.

Snow always reminds me of my mum and dad, now sadly departed. I can remember, as a child the excitement as the first snowflakes started to fall. This was way back in West London, where  the snow seemed to be a regular visitor.

My Cornish snow soon became quite watery ...

... and gradually faded away.

The previous time we had snow locally it was quite a grey day, with a pleasant crunch of snow underfoot.

There was snow alongside the local stream. I remember how quiet and peaceful everywhere seemed. The world was at peace.

Hope the weather has been kind to you.
Good wishes ~ Mike.

Friday 13 January 2023


It was a dull, damp day but I decided to walk to Menacuddle, where there is a small chapel and  holy well. When I arrived at my destination all was quiet, with no one else about - perfect!

I snapped a few quick photos as I walked. The White River and the waterfall always fascinate me. The whiteness comes from the local china clay.

Looking back over the waterfall, to the right of the next photo, a chair can be seen. This is full size and is made of granite. It is known as the Druids Chair and sometimes even as King Arthur's seat.

The next two photos show the small 'chapel'. Visitors have left flowers.

The Chapel dates back to the 15th century and is now a Grade II listed building.  It is aligned east-west with the east wall built against the natural rock face. 

I followed the White River, there was a dampness in the air.

Water ahead but ...

... be careful as the water can be quite deep.

I took a different route on the way back but the river came with me.

Green topped water.

As the rain was determined to continue I was soon looking down on the waterfall once more.

The old bridge on the way out of Menacuddle.

Below is a newish part of Menacuddle, quite pleasant but a little too neat and organised for my taste. 

The rain started getting heavier so I made my way homeward bound.

As I walked I did stop when there were glimpses of the White River making it's way to the sea.

Thanks for popping in to visit my Blog. All good wishes ~ Mike.

Friday 6 January 2023


The Holy Well of St.Cleer, Cornwall

While near the village of St.Cleer I looked in on their Holy Well. It is said to go back to the 15th century. It was then used as a magic 'bowsening' pool. So called because 'mad people' would be dunked into the waters to cure their insanity!

I say the well is 15th century, but it was knocked down during the English Civil War - 1642 to 1651. The Cornish granite stones though remained in place. It was said that if any of them were ever moved or stolen they would find their own way back ... creepy!

In the 1800s the jigsaw that was the Holy Well was put together again - as it remains today.

Front view of the Holy Well at St.Cleer, Cornwall

Next to the well is an ancient 7 foot tall cross (can be partly seen in the first photo). There are several variations as to whom the St. Cleer well is dedicated. One version is St.Clarus, a 12th century Benedictine monk. He landed himself in  bit of bother when a noblewoman made romantic advances to him - which, of course, he turned down.  But the result of this was that he was beheaded - though some versions of the story say he fled to France.

It's not known who the monk like figure is in the niche at the front of the well.

The mysterious monk in the niche of the Holy Well

Hope the New Year is being kind to you,
Good wishes ~ Mike.

Sunday 1 January 2023


Back to my blog, once more, now that Christmas is over. So a few odds and bods starting off with afternoon tea!

We were gifted a Cornish afternoon tea at the Rosevine Hotel, Portscatho, which was quite pleasant.

The first three photos are of the hotel. It is set in a pleasant position, just a short walk to the sea.

Oh, and don't forget that, with a Cornish tea, the clotted cream goes on top of the jam on the scones.

An an old milestone below. I have now travelled to St. Austell - 13 miles from Truro. according to the stone.

Just along the road, from the milestone, is a more up to date signpost.

When approaching St. Austell by car there is a nice green area with a few interesting trees, even in the winter.

The monkey puzzle tree tree (Araucaria Araucana), always fascinates me - think I have mentioned this previously in a post.

The foliage is quite distinctive.

Moving on I walked towards St. Austell town. In doing so I passed something unique within Cornwall - high rise flats! Somehow they seem out of place.
Despite the chill in the air a small flower nearby managed to survive in the undergrowth

Walking on I had a peek at the Gover Stream.

Next, near to a Co-op store, are the remains of the Pentewan Railway Clay Cellars.

The Pentewan Railway once carried local china clay from St. Austell to the harbour at Pentewan for export. This was operational from 1829 to about 1918. The Pentewan Trail for walkers now follows the  route of the railway.

Below shows how the harbour at Pentewan was once full of sailing boats exporting china clay worldwide in the late 1800's and early 1900's

Today Pentewan harbour is landlocked, and is enjoyed by swans, ducks and the like - though they must have been hiding when I snapped the photo.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you had a great Christmas and and have a wonderful New Year.
Good wishes ~ Mike.



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...