Monday 2 September 2019

Mevagissey, Cornwall at Night

I know I have done a couple of posts on Mevagissey recently but decided to include these photos as they were taken early evening and much later.

The sky in the photo above still has a pink tinge and there were several other people enjoying the cool of the evening after a rainy day.

A few people were fishing near Mevagissey's small lighthouse.

All was still within the harbour itself, boats were tucked up safely for the night.

The restaurants along the front of the harbour were busy, especially the popular Sharksfin - the large white building -which is open from 10am to 11pm.

Gradually, as per normal, the night got darker.

By the time we had done what we wanted to do the sky was very dark and a fine rain filled the air - so we made our way back to our car.

Saturday 31 August 2019

10 Photos of August Flowers and Colour In Our Garden In Cornwall

Some colour and flowers I have snapped in our garden this month. We had some wonderful hot, sunny weather but it has now turned to rain and quite windy at times - thus several photos with raindrops!

Always like dahlia and lilies because they are mostly trouble free and pop up year after year.

The flowers in the vase on our kitchen windowsill were all blown over by the wind and rain. I think I need to give the flowers better supports!

Hydrangeas are a little damp and some of the heads are now fading.

A damp gladioli which survived the wind ...

… and fuchsia don't seem to mind raindrops.

A gladioli on a sunny day ...

… but then it rained again!

Finally geraniums.

Also see:
14 Photos of July Flowers and Colour In Our Garden In Cornwall

Thursday 29 August 2019

The Decapitated Saint Chose Where He Wanted His Cornish Church To Be Built

My previous post was about the lovely church at Lanteglos-by-Fowey. The patron saint is St.Willow - sometimes shown as St.Wyllow or even St.Wylloc. 

Little seems to be known of the saint, but what is known is quite unusual, to say the least.

Like so many of the saints who passed through Cornwall he was born in Ireland. It is said that his journey was 'piloted by helpful fish' up to Pont Pill in Cornwall where he established his hermitage.

Pont Pill, photo at the top of the post, is along Cornwall's Fowey river and only a short walk from Lanteglos-by-Fowey church. It's a lovely spot.

The 'helping fish' was a little unusual, but so is the next part of St.Willow's story. Somehow he got into an argument and was slain by a man called Melyn. The name is sometimes shown as Melyn ys Kyrede which translates to Kindred of someone called Melyn. But, whatever, the saint was beheaded.

This isn't the end of the story though. St.Willow simply picked up his head and proceeded to the place where he wanted a church to be built in his honour.

His wish came true for on that spot is now the church at Lanteglos-by-Fowey.

I believe that a saint carrying his own head is known as a  cephalophore in Christian art. 

St.Willow has a feast day on the 7th of July.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

14th Century St Winnow Church at Lanteglos-by-Fowey With Connections to King Charles II

One of my favourite walks is Hall Walk along the Fowey River. I'll publish a post on this later in the year. I mention it now as we often extend the walk slightly to take in St. Willow church at Lanteglos-by-Fowey.

There is a bit of confusion over the exact name of the saint. He is also sometimes known as St. Wyllow or St. Wylloc. But, whatever, he was an interesting fellow who ended up being decapitated - but more on that another day.

Most of the church is 14th century and this includes the lantern headed cross, with carved figures, shown in the photos above and below.

The wagon roof has survived from the 16th century, other than a few repairs.

A closer look at the detail of the roof.

The font (below) is made from Pentewan stone with a leaf pattern. This is believed to be circa 13th century.

So much to see: the pews are beautifully carved and there are many other interesting features. No wonder the author Daphne du Maurier, who lived locally, chose to get married here. She also featured the church in her first novel The Loving Spirit, though she named it as 'Lanoc church' in her book.

A wonderful old door, imagine the people who may have passed through and the stories they could tell.

Steps leading upwards: the tower is about 70 feet tall with six bells. Their sound is said to have delighted the poet Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. There is a monument to Quiller-Couch seen when on the Hall Walk I mentioned earlier.

The plaque below fascinates me as this was presented to the parish by King Charles II for remaining loyal to the king throughout England's Civil War.

While restoration work was being carried out, traces of another plaque were found underneath, from King Charles I. 

Many of the paths in this area may have been walked by King Charles II. There is one spot in particular where he survived an attempt to kill him. More on this in a future post.

Sunday 25 August 2019

A Story of Superstition From Old Cornwall - The White Hare

A hare

A story today - an old story from a book, about 1860, written by Robert Hunt and originally titled 'The drolls, traditions, and superstitions of old Cornwall'. I have made a few minor adjustments.

It is a very popular fancy that when a maiden, who has loved not wisely but too well, dies forsaken and broken hearted, she comes back to haunt her deceiver in the form of a white hare. 

This phantom follows the false one everywhere, mostly invisible to all but him. It saves him from danger, but invariably the white hare causes the death of the betrayer in the end.

Here is one such story:

A large landed proprietor engaged a fine, handsome young fellow to manage his farm, which was very extensive as well as a high class one.
Dairy maid

When the young farmer was duly settled in his new farmhouse, there came to live with him, to take care of the management of the dairy, a peasant's daughter. She was handsome, and of a singularly fine figure, but entirely without education.

The farmer became desperately in love with this young creature, and eventually their love passed all the bounds of discretion. It became the policy of the young farmer's family to put down this unfortunate passion by substituting a more legitimate and endearing object. After a long trial, they thought they were successful and the young farmer married.

Many months had not passed when the discharged dairy-maid was observed to suffer from illness, which, however, she constantly spoke of as nothing; but knowing dames saw too clearly the truth. One morning there was found in a field a newly born babe, strangled. The unfortunate girl was at once suspected as being the parent, and the evidence was soon sufficient to charge her with murder. She was tried, and chiefly by the evidence of the young farmer and his family, convicted of, and executed for, the murder.

Everything now went wrong in the farm, and the young man suddenly left it and went to another part of the country.
White hare

Still nothing prospered, and he gradually took to drink to drown some secret sorrow. He was frequently on the road by night than by day; and go where he would, a white hare was constantly crossing his path. The white hare was often seen by others, almost always under the feet of his horse; and the poor terrified animal would go like the wind to avoid the strange apparition.

One morning the young farmer was found drowned in a forsaken mine; and the horse, which had evidently suffered extreme terror, was grazing near the corpse. Beyond all doubt the white hare, which is known to hunt the perjured and the false-hearted to death, had terrified the horse to such a degree that eventually the rider was thrown into the mine-waste in which he was found.

Another old story:
Bodmin Jail and a Hanging Watched by 25,000 People

Friday 23 August 2019

Lost Gardens of Heligan - Voted UKs Top Visitor Garden

Dahlia and apples at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

Thought we'd better have a trip to the Lost Gardens of Heligan as they have just been named the UK's top visitor garden by readers of Garden News magazine.
This is an annual poll to find the best 100 gardens in the UK. In second place was Bodnant Gardens in Wales and third was Alnwick Castle in Northumberland.
Diggory, the scarecrow, was delighted at Heligan's success!
Scarecrow at Lots Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

I snapped a few quick photos as we walked. The artichokes had a fine head of coloured hair.

Artichoke at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

There was an array of dahlias.

Dahlia at Lost Gardens of Heligan.

Lots of vegetables too - with Diggory at work in the background..

Vegetables at Lost Gardens of Heligan

We moved on from this part of the gardens and ...

Plants at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

into the potting shed. This is the original shed. The garden at Heligan was originally built in the 18th century but went into decline at the beginning of World War I.

Potting shed, Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

The gardens were then 'lost' until a hurricane in 1990 revealed their existence. Restoration started in the early 1990s and gradually the gardens were brought back to life.

Seat amongst the flowers, Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

The photo above and below is of the Sundial Garden, quite a pleasant place to sit. But Heligan has so many sections to enjoy from formal gardens to jungle!

Sundial garden at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

Moving on we come to a lots more dahlias - and several varieties.

Dahlia at Lost Gardens of Heligan

Must admit I like dahlias so snapped a couple of close- ups …

Singla dahlia at Lost Gardens of Heligan

… of colours I like.

Dahlia at Lost Gardens of Heligan

The Stewards House by the dahlia is now a cafĂ©. 

Cafe at Lost Gardens of Heligan

Moving on to a change of scenery ...

Plants & trees at Llost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

… and a few attractive pink hydrangeas.

Pink Lace Hydrangeas, Lost Gardens of Heligan

The scene changes  again …

Jungle at Lost Gardens of Heligan

… to a jungle and a lost valley (no longer 'lost' of course)

Jungle at Lost Gardens of Helugan

Large plants - including gunnera seem to be everywhere, and water too.

Ferns at Lost Gardens of Heligan

Now we have trees ...

Jungle trees at Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall

… and there's often something unexpected.

Pond and ferns at Lost Gardens of Heligan

A seat and shelter almost hidden away.

Shelter at Lost Gardens of Heligan

There is so much more to the Lost Gardens of Heligan spread over 200 acres. 

Below is a view of the coastline from the gardens.

View of the sea from Lost Gardens of Heligan

I have several other posts on Heligan, with photos:

The Lost Gardens of Heligan: 18 Photos of Farm Animals, Plants and Jungle

The Lost Gardens of Heligan In July :16 Photos 

Lost Gardens of Heligan in Winter : 11 Photos

Thirteen February Photos of The Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...