Friday 30 June 2023


We are still on Cornwall's  Lizard Peninsula, this time heading for Church Cove.

Straight away I felt that the Church Cove area was something special. It felt familiar, as if I'd been before, which I hadn't.

Though the weather was changeable, the sea was blue and the thatched roofs were good to see. 

There was a sheep walking up and down a garden as if she owned the place. She did though stop so I could take a quick photo.

A wonky window and something about a stroll along the prom - not that there is a prom at Church Cove of course.

The sea and cliffs.

We sat for quite a while just looking at the cliffs and rock formations. We probably only saw five other people.

There seemed to be all sorts of pictures and patterns in the cliffs below.

There are three stone holiday cottages.

There's a slipway to reach the sea. We spoke to a couple in one of the holiday cottages. They recommended swimming in the sea early in the morning - even though the water is very cold!

Now a few random photos from the Church Cove area.

I enjoyed our visit to Church Cove. All was peaceful with a touch of magic in the air.

P.S. To get to the cove we parked at Lizard Village, where you can park on the village green. From there we walked to the cove following the road signs.

Thanks for visiting my blog.
All good wishes ~ Mike.

Sunday 25 June 2023

The Peaceful Mullian Cove, Cornwall

We had a week away on Cornwall's Lizard Peninsula. One of the places we visited was Mullion Cove with it's granite harbour wall.

The cove has been occupied for several hundred years but the harbour wall wasn't built until the 1890's.

This was once  the home of a small pilchard fleet.

Below is a view from the harbour at low tide.

Looking down on the cove and harbour is the Mullian Cove Hotel with some lovely views.

Back to the harbour as the sea slowly returns.

The harbour entrance and wall.

Four more photos of Mullion cove.

Walking back along the lane, to our car, we saw these spirited horses. 

All in all a quiet peaceful walk.
Thanks for visiting my blog
all good wishes ~ Mike

Friday 16 June 2023

Sand and Barrel Jellyfish at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall.


Carlyon Bay beach, Cornwall

There is a long beach at Carlyon Bay, St.Austell, Cornwall. 

The photo above was snapped after I had walked to the far end of the sand, so not many people about! Well, none actually! It gets much busier though at the height of the summer season. 

This far end of the beach was once a designated for naturists. I'm not sure if this still applies as the beach has confusing plans for redevelopment - mind you this has been promised / threatened for many years, but actual building work has never commenced.

The other end of the beach (photo below), nearest the car park, is quite popular. There are rocks to explore and so on. Some people are even brave enough to plunge into the water.

The rocks and beach with holiday makers at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

You have to be a little aware, if close to the cliffs, as there are rock falls occasionally.

Rockfalls at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

When I walked to the far end of the beach all seemed peaceful, other than a young seagull blowing in the wind.

A young seagull on the beach at Carlyon Bay

But then I spotted something in the sea - jellyfish - big ones!

Barrel Jellyfish seen at Carlyon Beach

They are Barrel jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo) and are said to be the largest in UK waters. I have read that they can grow as large as a dustbin lid - and are sometimes, therefore, known as dustbin-lid jellyfish. 

Barrel jellyfish in the water at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

The jellyfish can sting but this is not normally harmful to us humans.

Barrel Jellyfish at Cornwall Bay, St.Austell

The jellyfish aren't at Carlyon Bay all of the time! They are most likely to be seen in May or June when the waters start to warm. They can get washed ashore if they swim too near the beach.

Jellyfish in the sea at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

There always seems to be something interesting on a long beach. I have seen a very large fin whale washed ashore at Carlyon Bay, which was quite upsetting. 

After walking the length of the beach I retraced my footsteps to the most popular section - and the flags were flying!

Carlyon Bay welcome on the beach.

As I walked back to the car - up a hill unfortunately - I snapped a final photo looking out to sea.

Looking out to sea and coastline from Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

Kindly note this post was also published a while back. I am not available at the moment.

Many thanks for visiting my blog.
Good wishes ~ Mike.

Sunday 11 June 2023

Lovely Beach and Views at Newquay Cornwall

Towan Beach, Newquay Cornwall

A while back, when I snapped these photos, we were having lunch at the Fort Inn, Newquay. The  photo above was taken from the Inn where there are stunning views.

The photo above is looking along the popular Towan Beach. Not too many people about but will be heaving with people in the main summer season. The next photo is the Fort Inn's terrace.

Sea View from Fort Inn, Newquay, Cornwall

After lunch we we had a short walk. 

Towan Island (below) always fascinates me. The only access to the house is over the slender bridge. The island is surrounded by water  at high tide. 

Towan Island, Newquay, Cornwall

 moving on to Newquay's Harbour.

Newquay Harbour, Cornwall

 More photos of the harbour on my blog post: Newquay Harbour and Towan Island.

The next photo is looking from the beach, back towards the Fort Inn.

Sorry it is only a short post today but life has been a bit busy.
All good wishes ~ Mike.

Monday 5 June 2023

A Pleasant Walk at Boscastle, Cornwall

Entrance to Boscastle harbour, Cornwall

Today it is Boscastle, Cornwall. The photo above shows the hazardous entrance to the harbour. 100 years ago this was the only place a harbour could be built on this stretch of Cornwall's intimidating north coast. 

It was an active port and harbour until the railway reached Cornwall in 1893. Today there are just a few fishing boats and pleasure crafts in the harbour.

Boscastle is now very much a tourist destination. There is a very large car park and from here it is a walk to the old harbour wall. You can't get lost - you just follow the small river, as shown in the photo below.

River running through Boscastle, Cornwall

Along the valley there are a few cottages and buildings ...

River running through Boscastle, Cornwall

... most constructed from local stone.

Cottages in Boscastle, Cornwall

You'll also find a Witchcraft Museum! It is said to be the oldest and largest collection of items relating to witchcraft and the occult in England.

The witchcraft Museum, Boscastle, Cornwall

The river gradually widens. I snapped the photos when the tide was low, okay very low!

River at Boscastle, Cornwall

There's somewhere to get a cuppa or lunch in Boscastle. Several of the old buildings now cater for tourists needs.

Cafe at Boscastle, Cornwall

At last we get the first glimpse of the old harbour wall, only a couple of small boats to be seen.

Harbour wall at Boscastle, Cornwall

Below is a close up of the stonework of the harbour wall, said to have been built way back in 1584.

Close up of the old harbour wall, Boscastle, Cornwall

Another view of the entrance to Boscastle harbour.

Inlet to the harbour from the sea at Boscastle, Cornwall

The photo below was taken from the harbour wall looking inland.

Looking inland from the old harbour wall at Boscastle, Cornwall

There's somewhere to tie up your boat.

Old wooden boat ties, Boscastle, Cornwall

On our walk we now had to retrace our steps to a small bridge so we could get to the other side of the valley. The photo shows the main harbour wall from a different angle and also the smaller second wall.

Harbour at Boscastle, Cornwall

There's a footpath on this side of the river so as to get a higher view from the cliff top.

Footpath up side of valley at Boscastle, Cornwall

The photo below is looking inland from the footpath.

Looking back at Boscastle from hillside

After the walk we meandered back to the car, passing The Cobweb Inn ... but then we realised it's possible to also walk along the valley inland, which leads to St. Juliot church.

The church has a significance for any Thomas Hardy followers. He was the architect for the church restoration in 1870 - and it was here that he met his first wife. It is believed that their love affair was his inspiration for his novel A Pair of Blue Eyes

Cobweb Inn, Boscastle, Cornwall

All very pleasant!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry that some of the photos are a bit dark ~ Mike.



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...