Sunday, 3 January 2021

Charlestown Harbour on Special Mornings

I guess, to a degree, we are all creatures of habit. We, for example, always seem to gravitate to Charlestown harbour on special mornings such as Christmas, New Year and so on. 

We were even at Charlestown very early on the Millennium morning. I remember how misty it was as we stood looking back at the harbour. It was like stepping back in time.

On Christmas morning there weren't many people about so felt quite safe despite the Covid-19 rules and regulations. 

The couple below were wearing their Christmas hats.

The Georgian Pier House at Charlestown was closed but had attracted fifty or more white doves on the roof.

As for the stony east beach, the tide was in and not a person in sight.

Actually the first photo I snapped at Charlestown, below, was quite early. All was still and peaceful.

Hope your New Year is going well.

Two random Charlestown posts:


  1. Good to see some views of Charlestown, even without the boats. Nothing much happening here, I hope it's not the lull before the storm.

    1. Thanks David, we always enjoy Charlestown. Cornwall has gone up from tier 1 to tier 3 so we are quite limited now. Let's hope the vaccinations will be effective. Have a good January, no matter what.




A short wander around the harbour at Mevagissey, Cornwall on a pleasant day. Lots of boats on display depending on the season, The name of M...