Friday 24 February 2023


Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall

Fistral Beach, Newquay, is one of the best for surfing. There is a consistency and quality of surf. Newquay is often quoted as being the surfing capital of the UK.

It's a lovely stretch of sand and high on the cliffs is the impressive Headland Hotel.

The hotel was first opened in June 1900 and has hosted royalty. King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra were the first to stay at the hotel in the early 1900's. Charles, the current King, and also Princess Ann, the Princess Royal have also enjoyed several visits - at least I presume they enjoyed themselves! Hard to tell what they are thinking at times.

Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall showing the Huers Hut

The town of Newquay is on Cornwall's north coast and is very much a seaside resort. The population of the town is around 20,000 but this shoots up to nearer 100,000 in the main summer season. So, to say it gets busy, is an understatement - it heaves with people in the main summer holiday period. The attraction? Sandy beaches, I believe there are 11! Oh, and surfing, as I have already mentioned.

In the photo above, on the cliff top is a small white building. This is the Huers Hut mentioned in a previous post.

Fistral Beach, Cornwall

Changing the subject: a while back there was a clean up of Fistral Beach Litter was found going back to the 1970s and 80s! The rubbish lay buried under a collapsed sand dunes.

I have a bit of a bee in my bonnet about litter. I fail to understand why people can't take their rubbish home. Why pollute beautiful scenery? It's interesting though how some of the items found have survived for perhaps 30+ years. We really are polluting our Earth - and not just with plastic.

The sandy Fistral Beach, Newquay Cornwall

 Here are just a few of the items found under the sand dunes

# A 1984 Smiths Crisps packet  that offers a free Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Poster 
# Coca Cola can dated 1984 
# A Marathon chocolate wrapper also from 1984
# Packet of Golden Wonder crisps offering a model of a Laker Airways DC-10 - Laker went bankrupt in 1982!
# Burton's Smax
# Treets, who changed their name in 1988

And so it goes on.

That's it for today. It's cup of tea time,  and hopefully a biscuit or two

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.

Friday 17 February 2023


It was yet another dismal day so I decided to try and seek out some floral colour, to lift the spirits.

The first two flowers are from our garden. I've no idea what the flower above is called*. A neighbour gave us this, as a small cutting last year. He told us it was something very exotic! But, whatever, it has wintered well and is now in flower.

Our azalea has a few flowers and normally, given time,  will soon be fully covered with flowers.

So let's see what else we can find on a short walk. First a few snowdrops by the roadside, always a welcome sight.

Next seen climbing over a neighbours wall.

We wandered into a local park - a very Spring like display.

There were a few crocuses trying to hide in the grass - and would have been easy to miss.

A small coffee shop in the park - with pineapples on the door!

Still in the park. A few white flowers trying to escape from the lawn bowls greens.

Now a couple of early, shy daffs hiding away. Not quite Wordsworth's host of golden Daffodils but still pleasant to see.

Okay, not flowers, in the next photo, but the St. Austell Brewery is a pleasant, interesting building and has been around since 1893.

Back to flowers, these were in my son's garden.

Next, one of my favourites: primroses in our garden. They make me feel that Spring is around the corner, even though it's a while until the 20th of March.

And finally, a display seen in St. Austell town square, perhaps a little too gaudy for my personal taste.

Thanks for visiting my blog,
 have a happy, colourful week ~ Mike.

* The flower in the first photo is a hellebore.

Friday 10 February 2023


Gosh, a pleasant day, the rain had  ceased, though a few puddles remained. We decided to have a short walk along the beach at  Carlyon Bay.

Puddles at Carlon Bay, Cornwall

It was quite chilly, but who cares when there is treasure to be found - well, perhaps.

Beach at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

I had recently read a book 'Seagulls in the Attic' by Tessa Hainsworth, who has started a new life in Cornwall. 

Tessa writes how she likes to find cowrie shells on the beach. She writes, "I love these tiny pinkish shells, no bigger than my little fingernail. They're lucky shells, the Cornish equivalent to the Irish four-leaf clover."

On a previous visit to Carlyon Bay my wife and I found dozens of small pink shells. So we set off to find some more. It's always useful to have a handy supply of good luck, you never know when it might come in handy!

I soon found a pink shell but little else.

Shell ay Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

The beach was quite empty, the sand smooth, untouched and nothing had been washed ashore.

Untouched beach at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

A walk on the untouched sand is, by itself, good luck.

Sea and cliffs at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

We enjoyed the far end of the beach, the peace and the silence.

Cliffs and rocks at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

The rocks and cliffs have their own special beauty. The comings and goings they must have witnessed over thousands of years.

Carlyon Bay, Cornwall, close up detail of cliifs

Eventually we retraced our footsteps.

Carlyon Bay sandy beach

Looking inland, numerous enormous rocks were piled high. They were originally to be used as a breakwater when there was talk of the beach being redeveloped with apartments and shops. But this has never come to fruition.

Rocks at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

We made our way back to our car via the puddles.

Reflections in puddle at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

I did manage to pick up a few bits and pieces along the beach, but nothing too exciting. They will, however, be added to my collection of bits and pieces labelled 'you never know when these might come in handy.'

Seaglass and shells found at Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

Thanks for visiting my blog
Hope you lots of good luck luck ~ Mike.

Friday 3 February 2023


Porthpean Road, Cornwall
What a lovely surprise, a blue sky day so we headed for Porthpean Beach, which is about two or three miles from the town of St. Austell and is part of St. Austell Bay.

Porthpean beach and cliffs, Cornwall

Porthpean Beach is simply a stretch of sand backed by cliffs, as can be seen in in the the photo above. It's not a hot spot for tourists but is somewhere the locals visit. 

The name Porthpean is from the Cornish language words 'porth' meaning cove and 'pean' meaning little or small.

I always find cliffs interesting.

Cliff rocks at Porthpean, Cornwall

Some of the Porthpean cliffs are topped with trees.

Ckiffs on the cliffs at Porthpean, Cornwall

There are a couple of sets of steps for anyone (like me) who wants to get to the top of the cliffs. The steps also lead to the coastal path.

Steps to top of cliffs at Portpean, Cornwall

Looking down from the steps, half way. Not many people on the beach today!

Porthpean Beach, looking down from cliffs

A view now from the top of the cliffs looking down on Porthpean beach.

View from cliffs at Porthpean, Cornwall

At the top of the cliffs is an old look-out used during World War 2.

Old look out at top of Poerthpean Cliffs, Cornwall

From the look-out the surrounding countryside can be seen. Lots of fields of green.

Countryside looking from Porthpean cliff top.

I reached the coastal path which heads towards Duporth Beach and Charlestown

This a wonderful positive about Cornwall, there is a coastal path all along the county and beyond. The path isn't always as neat, tidy and flat, as shown in my photo below, but is walkable as long as you don't mind ups and downs.

That's all for today.

Cornish Coastal Footpath at Porthpean

Map showing Porthpean, Duporth, Charlestown etc.

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.



  A few random photos from our week. We decided to head for Newquay and lunch at the Forte Inn ,   one of our favourites as there are such l...