Showing posts with label Canal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canal. Show all posts

Friday, 15 July 2022

Bude Cornwall 18 Photos

We had an opportunity to stay in Bude on Cornwall's north coast - so we did!

I quite like the area as it has lots of sand. So much so they built a canal to transport the sand - way back in 1825.

The sand, seemingly, is full of minerals and was used by farmers to condition and enhance the soil.

As the sign above states rails were built to transport the sand to the canal. A few of the rails remain today.

The canal is now used for pleasure pursuits.

You never know what you might see on, or in, the canal...

Some of the the canal's machinery is still 0n view.

Below is what would have once been the Bude end of the canal.

Looking across the damp sand, Chapel Rock can just seen. 

A better view of Chapel Rock, which is linked to a breakwater to protect the shoreline. 

Lots more sand below, looking inland from the sea.

A view of the canal wall with houses in the far  background.

Towards the end of the canal there is lovely pink cottage.

If you walk to the back of the cottage there are some pleasant flowers. 

Keep on walking and there is a coastal path leading to the top of the cliffs, with far reaching views.

At the top of the cliffs is Compass Point, a former coastguard lookout built in 1840 and  moved to it's current position in 1880. 

In the far, far distance can be seen some of the (UK) Government Communications Headquarters. I zoomed in with my camera.

There is a much easier way to communicate though, use a Chatty Bench, like the one below. As the sign on the bench says: Sit here if you don't mind people sitting to have a chat.

What a good idea, we saw several of these benches on our walks. There are so many lonely people. Reminded me of the old Carole King song.

There are so many lonely people in the world
So many lonely people who must cry
Just like you and me
They love so carelessly
And let their dreams just pass them by.

On that note I'll finish today's post. There will be more of the Bude area on my next post.

Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Mike.

Monday, 17 August 2020

A Touch of Bude on Cornwall's North Coast

A few photos of Bude today starting, above, with a view of the coastline and below the pathway to Chapel Rock. It is often said that there was once a hermitage on the top of the rock - but this could well just be a legend.

Alongside the path are a few lobster pots.

A cottage by the beach. What a lovely position, though may not be so idyllic when a storm is raging. 

Looking across the sand dunes at brightly coloured houses and B & B  establishments.

A view of the beach across from Chapel Rock. 

Bude has a canal dating back to 1825, but it is no longer used for carrying goods.

The workings of the lock gates are to be seen ...

... in several places.

The canal is looking good, even if there are a few rain clouds about.

There is a pleasant walk along the canal's tow path.

After the dull canal moments a look at the beach again, while the tide is going out.

Oh, and I'll end with this fellow who was very camera shy. He just wouldn't move or turn round.

See also: 



A short wander around the harbour at Mevagissey, Cornwall on a pleasant day. Lots of boats on display depending on the season, The name of M...