Saturday, 18 April 2020

The Lake on a Sunshine Day - Plus Praise For the NHS

Lake once used in china clay production, Cornwall

Another day, another day in isolation, other than our daily walk from home. Today we passed what looks like a lake but is the remnants of Cornwall's china clay industry.

Danger, warninf sign, Cornwall

The water cannot be used for any activity such as swimming or boating as it is too dangerous.

Blue sky, water, trees, Cornwall

High on a hill is a wind turbine and a settling tank for china clay.

Wind turbine, Cornwall

We wandered back to the lanes and roads leading towards home...

Sgaded lanes in Cornwall

… passing by a country style cottage.

Country cottage, Cornwall

Narrow lanes in Cornwall

Narrow lane, Cornwall

The rushing stream became our companion once more.

Gover Stream, Cornwall

Then on an old bridge was a pebble on a bed of moss. But not a usual pebble or stone as it had been decorated in praise of UK's NHS - National Health Service.

NHS Pebble

There is a hash tag on the pebble #nhspebble. I checked this out but only a few entries so far on Twitter.

Painted NHS Pebble

I think all of us in the UK, at this time, are in admiration of the courage and kindness of the nurses, doctors and staff of the NHS. 

Many houses have rainbows, such as the one below, in their windows as a symbol of support for the NHS heroes.

Rainbow in support of NHS staff

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Miles and Miles of Smiles at a Cornwall Feast Week

Music in St.Austell's Feast Week, Cornwall

As these are difficult times we are experiencing at the moment I thought I'd travel back to a time to when there seemed to be smiles and joy everywhere - well, at least in Cornwall.

People by St.Austell Church, Cornwall

So I travelled back in my time machine to a Feast Week in St.Austell.

St. Austell Feast Week Entertainer

Look at all of those smiling faces. Okay the guy below might not look too happy, but he was a contrast to everyone else.

Sad expression on face of Cornish Feast Week entertainer

Even the horse was smiling. You can't actually see his full smile but, trust me, his gnashers had a quite a grin.

Attractive lady with her horse, Cornwall

Of course, some of the more distinguished characters had to hide their smiles - for some people there is a time and a place for everything.

Uniformed character at Cornish Feast Week

Behind their expressions though there is a build up of smiles waiting to explode.

Character at a St.Austell Feast week, Cornwall

Now that is some happy hat below! You can see his usual smile in the very first photo of this post.

A funny hat at a Cornish Feast Week

And the lady below has a lovely smile.

St.Austell Feast Week, Cornwall

Strewth, even the girl with her leg held high in the air has a wobbly smile.

Acrobat at St.Austell Feast Week, Cornwall

As for the strong arm of the law there must be at least an occasional chuckle amongst the litigation.

Police officers in Cornwall

Historically, St Austell had its week of 'feasten' activities surrounding the celebration of the Feast of Saint Austol. Somehow though this fizzled out in 1946. Since then there have been attempts to resurrect the festival.

The photo below is from the Feast in 1910, though most of the participants don't look too happy about the proceedings!

St.Austell Feast Week in 1910

As is apparent the town of St.Austell is named after St. Austol.

The saint had a great friendship with St.Muen (St. Mewan today) of the adjoining parish. St. Muen died on June 21st 627 and St. Austol died seven days later.

Keep smiling, stay safe. As my dear old dad used to say:

Smile awhile
and while you smile 
another smiles
and soon there's miles and miles of smiles.
And life's worth living because you smiled.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Walking and Kitesurfing in Cornwall

The kitesurfing photos, above and the five near the bottom of the post were snapped prior to the coronavirus lockdown.

The next few photos are a 'legal' walk from home. The first part was under the train viaduct I mentioned in my previous post. The train from London to Penzance zoomed overhead while we were there.

The next photo shows some of the brickwork.

A viaduct was first built here in 1858 but had to be replaced in 1899. It's quite a construction as it has ten piers and is 115 feet (35m) high and 720 feet (220m) long.

Below you might be able to make out the original stump of the first viaduct as well as the present version. The newer viaduct has much neater brickwork.

Continuing the walk, some nice old granite pieces in a garden.

An old gate that appears to lead nowhere.

Now back to the kitesurfing. It was a dull, blustery old day.

However, the kitesurfers were having fun.

The kitesurfing pics were taken at Pentewan Beach, Cornwall.

When we returned home from our walk I noticed that one of the geraniums in our porch has started to flower. A sign, perhaps, of better things to come!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Stay healthy.

Monday, 6 April 2020

A Lockdown Walk in Cornwall, Plus Looking Back At a Sandy Beach

It's lockdown, because of the coronavirus so, like everyone else in the UK, can only walk from home.

We feel lucky though as we can wander along some interesting roads - under the train viaduct and past an old roadside marker.

There is even a small river to keep us company.

Trees to the right and a mound in the background.

The river keeps rolling along playing it's magical tune.

Oh dear, that spoils the moment - a dumped vehicle from long ago. I can never comprehend how / why this happens.

A look inside. No, definitely can't drive it away!

We continued walking for quite a while but unfortunately not to the beaches which are now out of bounds.

Below is the beach at Carlyon Bay on an early morning visit a while back, before the virus got a hold.

Another photo looking in the opposite direction from the beach.

It appears the lockdown could well last for six months. The restrictions are a nuisance but the health of everyone is more important

Thanks for visiting my blog. The search button towards the top right of this blog will give access to many Cornish beaches and villages. Stay safe.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Walking the Streets and Roads Near St.Austell, Cornwall

St.Austell, Cornwall

The world has changed, the cars have nearly disappeared and we are having to self isolate because of coronavirus - but at home and not on some deserted beach. We have to comply with the regulations and walk local to where we live.

The first three photos today show how the once busy roads are virtually empty. I did mess about with the top photo but the others are for real.

A390 near St.Austell

Above shows the normally busy A390 looking towards St. Austell and below looking in the  Truro direction. Not a car in sight, quite creepy!

A390 looking west in Truro direction, Cornwall

It's even creepier when out walking and you see such signs! No Trespassing. We're Tired of Hiding the Bodies. 

Funny Warning Notice, Cornwall

A few palm trees by the A390.

Palm trees seen from A390, Cornwall

There's always something to appreciate even on restricted walks, simple hedgerow flowers for instance ...

Flowers in the hedgerows, Cornwall

… or some daffodils roaming free.

Daffodils, Cornwall

Thanks for visiting my blog - stay healthy and happy.



A short wander around the harbour at Mevagissey, Cornwall on a pleasant day. Lots of boats on display depending on the season, The name of M...