Thursday, 16 July 2020

Walking Cornwall's Coastal Path From Polkerris


Following on from my previous post. After visiting Polkerris we decided to walk west along the coastal path.

The only snag in doing this is that it's all uphill from Polkerris to reach the path. There's a short flight of wooden steps, as below, and then the rest of the way to the top is via uneven stone steps. (I counted 124)

Steps to Cornwall's Coastal Path near Polkerris

Anyway, once up the top it's quite pleasant with the sea and distant views.

Sea view looking towards Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

The path is mostly easy walking, but some of the farmer's fields have barbed wire to keep walkers out.

Cornwall's coastal path near Polkerris

Saw this boat making waves and showing off by making patterns in the sea. It looked fun.

Speed boat making waves

A view looking back (east) along the coastal path.

Coastal View from near Polkerris, Cornwall

And the path ahead.

Walking Coastal Path, Cornwall

Had a quick look at Booley beach. As usual not many people about.

Booley Beach, Cornwall

A few sheep in the farmer's fields, some had been shorn.

Sheep in Cornwall

We watched the sheep dog rounding up the sheep into a tight group. 

I love border collies, we had one for years, he was such a wonderful dog. If out walking with the family or friends, and a few were lingering behind, Toby would try to round them up - pure instinct.

Sheep and sheep dog in Cornwall

In places, along the coastal path there are some quite steep drops, so have to show a certain amount of respect.

A long drop form Cornwall's coastal path

Shallow water near Par, where the tide goes out a long way. Fun for children though - and dogs!

The sea at Par, Cornwall

And finally I was lucky enough to snap these two swallows sitting on the barbed wire fence. They seemed quite happy to have their photo taken. Made a nice end to our walk.

Two swallows, Cornwall

Other nearby walks: Walking From Ready Money Cove, Fowey to Gribbin Head, Cornwall

Walking to Black Head, Cornwall - With Magnificent Views of Coastline


  1. A very pleasant walk after the initial climb. Shame about the barbed wire but I imagine not all walkers keep to the path. Swallows are so colourful.

  2. We like to walk along the coastal path, never seems to be many people about. Didn't expect to see the swallows, very attractive birds.
    The traffic is getting more in Cornwall now, the visitors (emmets!) are arriving. Good for the economy - but worry that they may bring the virus with them.
    Take care.

  3. It’s always pleasing to see a dog at work. I’ve seen several films about herding competitions and the dogs are amazing to watch as they respond to commands. As always, your coastal paths have lovely views in all directions and yes, swallows are beautiful and you got the perfect shot. Stay away from tourists! This can’t possibly be a good time to travel! Best wishes, Mike.

    1. Thank you Ann. Doing our best to stay away from those tourists!
      We've seen several Sheep Dog Trials, they are special dogs and seem to really enjoy working.
      Take care.

  4. Yes, wonderful Swallow photographs, Mike. What lovely weather, too. We have had snatches of 'proper summer' here in Suffolk this week, but lots of dark cloud. We had Shetland Sheepdogs when I was growing up, and they also had the herding instinct down to a tee! I recall a wonderful sheepdog trials further south in Cornwall when I was about nine.

  5. Hello Caroline. We are promised a few days sunshine next week, though today looks promising as there is a deep blue sky at the moment. Was lucky to catch the swallows, they seemed happy to take a breather on the barbed wire.




  On a drab, dull day I was in the town of St. Austell, Cornwall.  Having completed my business I decided a shortish walk was in order so I ...